Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Three ~

Start from the beginning

"Six," Veronica said in a low voice once she recovered, keeping her gaze on mines, "Be very careful of what you're saying."

Careful. All I ever was is careful.

My entire life I have had no other choice than to be careful because these people, who surround me, could kill me without missing a beat. I had no choice but to act completely human, despite the fact that I wasn't: I was not human.

They wanted to me to show my animalistic side, but not act on it.

An understanding dawned on me; Zero. That's what happened to her, she acted in her true nature, and look at what happened to her. They locked her up.

The only reason that Zero was alive was so that they could run their ridiculous tests.

'Don't submit to her...' I jolted in surprise at Zero's ghostly whisper through my mind, 'Show strength...'

I forced myself to inhale deeply before meeting Veronica's cold jade gaze again, her posture had become defensive, and rightly so.

I felt my own composure become stoic the more I stared at her, "You're a liar and a manipulator." I stated with such confidence that it felt as if I were speaking about my day, "You don't want me, you want what you think I know."

"You're confused, Six." Veronica said with a small smile but I could see that her mind was reeling with surprise, "I don't know what you think you heard, but whatever it is, it's wrong."

If I could then I would have lashed out but I could feel Zero's presence in the back of my mind, doing everything she could to suppress my violent emotions.

Yes, she wanted me to relish in my anger, but I could feel her concern about my well being. Zero didn't want me to end up in the same place as her.

"I know more than you give me credit for." I stated as I rose from my seat, I could already feel my blood boiling from being lied to so shamelessly, "I hate liars. I don't know what you want from us, but I won't let them fall for it the way that they are."

At those words; the charade slipped for a mere moment. Veronica stared at me with a smirk that made me shudder a little but that didn't make her quickly wipe it away, instead she rose to her heeled feet with such grace that it made me take a step back.

"No one trusts you right now, Six. Not your temporary Handler, and not even your fellow Splices." Veronica delivered in a sickeningly sweet tone, like she was speaking to a deluded child, "What makes you think that anyone would listen to those crazy delusions you're having?"

I refused to let the blood shimmering anger that burned inside me unleash but a small sweat was breaking out on my lower back as I tried to keep my emotions in check, "Eric would." I said in a small voice, the only person who would ever believe me. The one who convinced me.

Veronica's smile was little, and sympathetic, "And look how easy it was to get rid of him." She said with a small sigh.

Shock crashed through me at her bluntness but it wasn't a mistake, she meant to say that to me.

Veronica brushed back a loose strand of her devilish red hair and chuckled under her breath, "You think that you have the upper hand because you know a couple of shards of information but you know nothing, Subject Six." She said coolly, making me recoil.

"I know more than you think." I disagreed, clenching my hands by my side, "Call it intuition."

But Veronica was right; I didn't know enough. I knew barely anything in comparison to her, I needed to see Zero more so that she could fill in the blanks for me.

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