Ti you aren't dumb so I know you know you need to leave him, but I sense its something deeper than just his cheating. Leave it to my little sister to get deep with it.

It is, lately he's been saying stuff you know about my body. What kind of stuff? He doesn't say it directly to me, but he makes comments about other women's bodies, like "oh look at her ass or look at her titties". It makes you feel self-conscious? Yeah big time, I know I am skinny and all but I am a woman I got all the parts a woman is supposed to have. You remember what you told me when I was 9? That was what almost 9 years ago.

 You told me that I shouldn't be self-conscious about my body because I was still beautiful. That was different I mean you were a little girl. There is no difference Ti other than my age. So what you don't have ass and titties, I am sure there is a woman out there that have too much and wish they could get rid of it. At the same time there are women who wish they had a little more the most important thing is that you know you're beautiful.

There is a man out there Tionne that believes that you are the most beautiful person on this planet. Hell there are females out there that believe that. Noelle! I am serious, you are rare individual that can attract both sides its just who you are. Attract both sides. Yes, men like that you are spunky, beautiful and cool. Women like that you have this thing about you its hard to describe, but they want to be with you, and they think you are fine as hell, skinny body and all. Really Noelle I said laughing a little. You don't believe me, you got girls so shook over you that if they could they'd marry yo ass right now and pop out 8 of your babies. Oh my god Noelle. I am not lying it's the truth, so if Dalvin doesn't appreciate what he has, bests believe someone else can and will. The same goes for CJ.

We aren't talking about that she said shaking her head. You let Ty leave Georgia knowing damn well that you should be with him. Ti its...what complicated? I love Ty, Ti I really do but at the same point you gotta admit we were moving extremely too fast. I mean we having sex and confessing our love to one another that's some next level adult type shit and I just wasn't ready for it. So let me ask you thins Noelle, you weren't ready for it with Ty, but are you ready for it with CJ? She looked at me before speaking. Honestly Ti I don't love CJ the way that I love Ty and I don't think I ever will. So we both stuck in this "comfortable" phase? I guess so sistah, I guess so!


I sat there looking at Dallas lay in my bed. What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I shake this nigga? Great his pager is going off maybe he'll leave now. It kept buzzing and he didn't move. Ugh Dallas! Dallas! Yeah what's up he said sitting up rubbing his eyes. Your pager is going off. Oh I am not worried about it, why you over there. Dallas what are we doing? We're talking Roz. Not that Dallas I mean this, I broke up with your ass almost 3 months ago and yet you are laid up in my bed right now. Where is this coming from Roz I mean you weren't saying all this last night when we were going at? That's my point right there Dallas, I let you use me, you don't really care about me or my feelings you are just with me out of convenience. Convenience! Yeah I mean if you really wanted me why aren't we married?

Oh so we're back to that again, he said getting out the bed. It's a simple question if you love me prove it and if you don't let me go so I can find someone who truly does. He nodded for a minute. Is that what you really want Roz you want to end this 4 year relationship over some little miscommunication. Miscommunication Dallas you have a baby! Not conversation of a baby. An actual living breathing human being. Something that I so desperately wanted you have with someone else. Roz. No Dallas I can't and won't take the heart ache anymore so if you aren't going to give me 100% its time for you to go.

I am sorry Rozonda he said kissing my forehead before leaving my condo. You can do this Ro I said looking around the condo. I went through the whole condo and got everything that reminded me of him together and put in a box when my doorbell rang. Who is it? Girl open the door! Lisa I said opening the door. Yeah its me. What you doing here, you don't normally come to my house. I can't come see you she said looking at me. 

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