Jungkook - Bad Boy In Love

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Y/N's POV:

What is up with this school? Every single girl here are swooning over these boys. 7 boys to be exact. Wtf man, what's so good about them? I am recently a transfer student so I don't know much.

"Y/N! Let's go see the oppas!!" My best friend Cho Ah squealed.

"Who..." I asked quietly.

"WHAT?! YOU DONT KNOW BTS? THE HOTTEST GUYS -" I covered Cho Ah's mouth with my hand. "Aish ... be quiet will you?" I said a bit annoyed. She pushed my hand away.

"Do really not know them?" She folded her arms.

"No." I simply said as I ate my rice. Cho Ah gave me a look and huffed.

I heard whispering around me and heard my name come out of some people's mouth. They said "Isn't that
Y/N?" "What? Does she really not know our oppas?!". Suddenly the whispering became silent. I looked up from my tray and all eyes were on me.

"Hey you. What's your name?" I heard a voice behind me call out." I looked behind me and saw a boy in my sight, and well, 6 other boys behind him.

"I said what's your name." His voice grew. I scoffed and rolled my eyes then glared at him.

He laughed. "Are you glaring at me?"

"Why do I have to tell you my name? Why does it matter?" I asked annoyed.

He laughed again. "Do you not know who you are talking to? You're talking to one of the hottest, most popular guys in this high school!" He yelled.

I scoffed again. "So you're saying I should pay my respects to you? Because you're overwhelmingly popular?" "Pshh as if." I said quietly.

"YOU!" He yelled and held his hand high, on the verge of slapping me. I got up quickly and grabbed his hand.

"Don't you know? The one day you raise your hand towards a woman, you are no longer a man." I threw his hand, took my tray and walked away. There were whispers and laughter, I heard things like "Daebak, she's a bit disrespectful, but shes got guts to go up to them." "Ugh, why would she talk so disrespectfully to my oppa?!" "Right, we should gang up on her."

Although, I didn't care. I came to school to be successful, not to have negative people in my life. I dumped my tray and walked out of the cafeteria,

Jungkook's POV:

There were whispers and laughter around me. I scoffed. But what is this feeling inside me? No one has been disrespectful to me before, most girls would always be nice and bring me presents. But this girl, she's different. Hmm...

"Damn Jungkook, you just got roasted by a girl, ouch." Jimin said. I rolled my eyes.

"No I didn't. I-I was just being nice, I could've pushed her." I fought back.

"But she's right kid, the one day you raise your hand to a woman, you are no longer a man." Rap Monster said.

Everyone murmured. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. Don't worry girl, I'll get you back.

"Let's go." I called out to the others.

Y/N's POV:

I was really early on going to class. The halls were dead silent, and no one was around. The only person by me was Cho Ah.

"You really got guts Y/N, I can't even peep a hi." Cho Ah said amazed.

"I don't really care whether they are popular or not." I replied. She nodded.

"Well I'll get going now Y/N, I'll see you later. Bye!" Cho Ah smiled and waved goodbye. I waved and smiled back.

I walked though the halls and sat at a window. "Geez.. I shouldn't have done that." I thought to myself.

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