Chapter 33

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Luke's POV

We are now on the airport, waiting for our flight to England. Actually, there's a lot of us, and I am hoping that everyone can help. Let me list down:

- Me

- Cole

- Jack

- Alex

- Harry (we're meeting him in England)

- Connor

Listing them down, well.. We're just 6 after all. Toby and Riley had to do their mafia deals in Florida, leaving their brother Connor to come with us.

I looked at the glass window, then I remembered Stiles and Justin. Their beaten up and weak bodies. I'm glad that Jared didn't kill them, I'm pretty sure that they fought for their lives and to protect the kids.

"Hey." Someone sat beside me, it's Cole.

"Hey, Cole." I answered. "What's up?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I say. "I'm fine."

"I saw the way you look at Stiles when we brought them to the hospital."

"You know why." I sighed. "He is a carbon copy of Hero."

"We can all see that." Cole tells me. "I just want you to stop thinking that they are the same person."

"Now you're concerned."

"You're my bestfriend, Luke." Cole says. "I may be an a-hole most of the time, but I'm not a monster."

"You're disgusting, Sprouse." I chuckled, but I appreciate what he said.

"I can't wait to be in England though."


"I missed the mafia thrill." Cole answers. "Don't you?"

"It's a weird feeling." I shrugged.

I have no idea what's waiting for us in England, we're practically going to a fight that we have no idea how to win.

Jared's group, they're known to be as vicious killers. They are on the darker side of the mafia society, they kill for money. Most likely to be called as the assassins, they are fucking dangerous. I just hope that my brother and his family are still alive.

I can't afford to lose another one of us, any of us. I took a deep breath before looking at my wristwatch. Just a few more minutes till our flight.

I looked away from my watch then my phone buzzed. I pulled it out from my pocket to see Thomas calling.

"Hey, Thomas."

"Hey, Luke." He greeted back. "Where are you guys?"

"On our way to England." I answered. "Can we meet you when we land?"

"Yeah, sure." He answered. "I tried calling Calum, he's not answering."

"He flew in to England first." I tell him. "I'll explain when we meet."

"Okay." Thomas agreed. "Have a safe flight."

Michael's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Summer for the nth time.

"Yes, Mikey." She answered. "I am sure about this."

I sighed before handing her a Ruger LCR, it's a good gun for starters.

"Please be careful, okay?" I tell her and she nod.

We are currently here at a firing range in LA where we usually practice shooting. I hope I'm doing the right thing. I have no idea what we will do right after this training, I just hope Summer won't suggest in following everyone in England.

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