Chapter 18

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Justin's POV

"What the hell happened to you?" Cameron rose a brow at me as I treat the bruises on my face.

"Calum went here with Summer." I answered. "They tried to get Jade back."

"What's your plan now?" He sat at across me.

"I gave her 2 days to decide if she will come with me and Jade or not." I shrugged.

"You're insane." Cameron shook his head, obviously disappointed.

"I'm still trying to save everything that I kept for years, Cam." I say as I pick a new cotton ball from the jar.

"That's the thing, Justin." Cameron says. "They're not yours to keep." He looked at me.

"You're suppose to be on my side." I say, a bit irritated.

"I've been on your side for 4 fucking years, Justin." He defends. "But we can't do anything now!"

"We can!" I yelled. "I can!"

"Dammit, Justin!" Cameron shoots up from his seat.

I just got into a fight with Calum, and now I'm arguing with my cousin. My body is hurting and I don't need any more shit right now.

"Fuck off, Cam." I finally said before turning my back to him and I heard him sigh as I walk away from the intense zone of the house.

I went to the bathroom at my room to get some bandages for my face. Cameron is right and I know that, I just hate the fact that he is rubbing it on my face. Summer and Jade are not mine to keep, I stole them from Calum. I'm a selfish jerk. I kept them away from the people who are supposed to be with them.

I know I'm wrong, no matter how you look at, I'm wrong for taking them away. I closed the door of my medicine cabinet and came face to face with my own reflection on the mirror.

I can see how fucked up I am right now. Those little bruises and fresh wounds from the fight earlier with Calum, the dark circle under my heavy eyes and my messy blonde hair. I never thought that I'll see myself in this kind of state.

I've been blinded by hate and too much love that I forgot about myself, what is right and wrong, and what is the real meaning of love and happiness. I stepped on people, hurt some people just to be happy.

Honestly, I have no idea what to do anymore. What to say to Summer, what to say to Jade and Cameron. I don't know how can I still keep them, I know Calum will fight to death just to get them back, because I'd do the same just to keep them.

I am interrupted when my phone started ringing. I pulled out my phone and answered the call.

"I found them."

"Good." I say then I ended the call at instant.

I can still give Summer the day. I'll make sure she'll come back to me and Jade. I looked back at the mirror to see the evil smirk on my lips right now. I'm a one big fucked up piece of evil shit.

I went out of the house and borrowed Cameron's car. I drove to a bar to meet with the private investigator that I hired.

I sat the the VIP table and waited for him. Later on, he sat across me and handed me the files.

"I found the kid's parents." He tells me as I read the files he just handed. "They're living in San Francisco right now."

I read through the files of the young married couple name Zac and Vanessa.

"Are you sure it's them?" I ask, my eyes locked on the files.

"Hundred percent."

"Call them in." I say as I close the folder and looked at him. "I'm gonna make them complete." I smirk. 

Mugshot II: Jail [Calum Hood | AU] UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now