~~Kill Dean, Again~~

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Chapter Fifty six:

~~Kill Dean, Again~~

Friday night...er I mean very early Saturday morning, was filled with Tucker and I cuddling on the couch in Deans living room, while a number of movies played. Somewhere between 'Where the Wild Things Are' and 'Alice in Wonderland' I fell asleep listening to the steady beat of Tucker's heart. Something I haven't heard in a while and I missed it.

Saturday afternoon was the same. We watched a few movies, talked, and cuddled. We were enjoying our time together. After we both had something to eat we packed up all our things from the apartment and Tucker drove us to my house. He didn't let my hand do the entire ride and when we pulled up to my house he hesitated as if once he left me go I'd vanish. But in the end he let my hand go so I could get out of his car. As we walked to the door he took my hand again and smiled at me, as he kissed the top of my head.

Susan was leaving with Scott, her boyfriend, today. I knew I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to her today, due to the fact she was leaving at six in the morning and they had to be there in a hurry. So I said my goodbye to her last night when i could, giving her my cell number since she's never had a cell phone before. She promised to call me when she got there. I told her to call me when she had the time too. Before she left she gave me an early birthday gift. I was a friendship bracelet we made for each other back in fifth grade. I had forgotten about them, but shes didn't. She held on to both of them. And now we both wear them on our ankles.

If I told you the house was peaceful when I opened the door, I'd be lying. People were shouting, Jessamine was crying and Dani just looked lost. I dropped Tucker's hand and ran inside the house, heading straight for the kitchen, where I heard the yelling coming from. I spotted a book that was laying on the counter top and picked it up, then let it drop to the ground making a loud smack as it hit the tilled kitchen floor. Everyone in the kitchen's attention snapped to me and everything got quiet, except for Jessamine crying.

"What the h*** is going on here!?" I snapped at the boys. Dean stood up and walked to Tucker, who just stood there looking at me like I had some type of heavenly glow to me.

"Hunter won't drive me to work" Ian said.

"You were supposed to have the day off so you could help with both Jessamine and Dani" Hunter informed him.

"I wanted the extra cash" Ian said furiously.

"Hunter take him to work." I said putting my foot down. "You can't blame him for wanting some extra money, you're the same" He sighed and nodded.

"Go I'll be in the car. Dean can I borrow your car?" He asked.

"Sure keys are on the coffee table in the living room." He waved Hunter off and continued to talk to Tucker.

"Evan can you please get Jessamine for me?" I asked turning away from Dean and Tucker.

"I was just about to before all this started" He said walking away down the hall.

"You!" I growled at Dean. Tucker smirked at me knowing what was coming next. "I'll kill you" I said lunging at Dean, making him land hard on his back with me straddling him.

"W-what did I do?" He stuttered.

"One you scared me half to death last night when you started talking about you kidnapping me and bring me to the real person that was kidnapping me."

"You said that?" Tucker asked in disbelieve. "You know she was already kidnapped before. You idiot" Tucker kicked Dean in the shin. Dean winced from under me, but I continued.

"And two you pushed me out of your car"

"I was stopped" He said gasping for air, since I was sitting on his chest.

"Doesn't matter. You still pushed me out of your car, into the middle of no where."

"You knew where we were"

"No i didn't. It was eleven at night, meaning it was dark. I couldn't tell were I was"

"Tsk tsk" Tucker commented as he just looked on at us.

Evan brought Jessamine to me, then walked way to the living room, with Dani close behind him. I sat at the table, while Tucker got Jessamine's bottle ready. Once it was done I fed her then changed her diaper. She ended up falling asleep soon after she had a fresh clean diaper on her.

"Can we go shopping for clothes for friday's graduation?" Evan asked walking back into the kitchen.

"Yeah we can go tomorrow. I have to get Tucker a birthday present for Monday" I smiled.

"Babe no" Tucker groaned.

"Babe yes"

"Fine then I'm going to get you a gift too"

"You would anyway" I informed him. He opened his mouth to say something else but then quickly shut it. Oh yeah he knew that I knew I was right. No use fighting me on that.

**Tucker's pov**

Sabrina looks really cute bouncing a sleeping Jessamine, as she walks around the kitchen making supper. I offered to help her but instead she smacked me with a wooden spoon. That hurt! I didn't want to be hit again so I stood back and watched her. Hunter came back and got ready for work. Dean left to bring him leaving only Sabrina, the baby, Evan, Dani and I at the house. Of course Dean would be coming back. There's no way he would miss out on food, especially food cooked by Sabrina. Who would blame him she makes food tastes so good.

She left her position at the stove and moved to look out the window in front of the sink. I walked up behind her and slid my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder, breathing in the smell of her neck.

"Look at that. I think it it would make a nice Christmas card" Evan said just before I saw a flash of a camera. Sabrina and I both turned our heads to look at Evan. He smiled and held up a digital camera. "I'll show you the picture once its on my computer, that way you can see it better." We just looked at him. "Don't think I did this on my own" He said pointing down at Dani, who was sitting on the floor next to him smiling wide. "She brought the camera to me"

"Momma, Dada, Jess I mine" Dani said still smiling. Evan placed down the camera and picked her up.

"Are they one happy family?" He asked her.

"Yup" She smiled a very toothy smile.

"Is it like the story I read you last night?" She nodded her head happily.

"Dada gonna marry Momma." And I will. Count on it. 

I need to find a present for Sabrina's birthday. Tomorrow when she takes Ian and Evan to get some clothes I'll go on my own little shopping trip with Dean, a few towns over that way I wont run into her. That's a perfect plan. And I think I know just what to get her. I smiled to myself as I thought of the perfect gift.

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