~~I Wonder~~

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Chapter Twenty seven:

~~I Wonder~~

**Dean's Pov**

I woke up from a loud snore. I looked around the room. Sabrina was on the couch a sleep. I was woken up by my own snoring, that's lame.

I've been staying with Sabrina and her siblings since Friday, it is now Monday morning. I told Sabrina I would be here when she needed me and here I am. I think of her not only as a friend but as a little sister. I feel I have a duty to protect her and that's what I plan to do.

Last night after work I brought Hunter home. After hanging out there for an hour or so I left to go to the store to pick something up for all of us. When I got to the store I got a call from Tucker.


"Hel.." I started to answer.

"Where the h**l are you?" Tucker snapped from the other end of the phone.

"At the store?"

"Come over here!" He shouted before he hung up. 

I ignored his command I went inside the store and got a box of cookies and some other things, then slowly made my way to Tucker's place.

Once I was there I didn't even bother to knock, I just entered. Ian wasn't lying when he told me there were alcohol bottles and cans everywhere. And Tucker himself was drunker than I've ever seen him before. He stumbled until he was standing in front of me.

"I'm not stupid" He said.

"What are you talking about?"


"What about her?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you've been sleeping over there!"

"What the h**l?"

"Shut up! Just shut up Dean! I know her baby isn't mine and I know who's it is"

"Alright Tucker who's baby is it?"

"Yours" He slurred and almost lost his balance, but I quickly grabbed his arm to stable him. "Thanks" He mumbled.

"The baby isn't mine Tucker. It's yours"

"No its not, Shes been sneaking around behind my back with you. Two people told me."

"And who were those two people?"

"I don't remember their names. But one was a guy and the other a girl."

"That narrows it down to every boy and girl around" I rolled my eyes.

"They were teenagers"

"Have you ever seen them before?"



"I don't remember" He shook his head.

"Tuck the baby is yours"

"Don't Tuck me! It's not! There's no way it's mine!"

"Do the math Tucker, shes two months"

He paused for a bit probably thinking. "AGH! Math makes my head hurt!"

"It hurts mine to but I still do it"

"So what about her being two months? That just means you knocked her up while we were dating"

"No Tucker. Think back to a few months ago. Think about something that happened between you"

"We had sex"

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