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Chapter Twenty one:


Everything in my life has changed. Hunter and I both go to work, Evan, Ian, Hunter and I all take care of Dani. Tucker takes me out. Ian is on the soccer team. Evan is on the basketball team. Dani is walking up a storm, doing a lot better than she was before. School seems to have gotten a lot better. Susan hangs out with Kevin and I. Kevin is still a joy to be around. And Dean, well he's Dean.

Over the last couple weeks everyone has been sick. Dani got it first, then the twins got it. Next was Hunter and now its me.

The first day I got sick was a month ago. I ran out of my class and ran to the bathroom, just in time. It was then that Susan started hanging out with Kevin and I again. Every time I ran for the bathroom, she would either be in there already or she would follow me out and hold my hair back.

I told Tucker I had to stay home and watch my sick siblings, he understood saying that he'd get all my missed homework and bring it to me at the end of the week. After I got more sick he would give Hunter my homework. I didn't want him to come around when I was sick like this. The last thing I wanted was him to get sick.

One day Martha came to check up on me. We talked, she took my temperature and said it was normal. She listened to my heart and lungs with her stethoscope and said everything was fine. She didn't understand why I've been so sick. We got to talking more, she asked me a lot of questions like how much do I eat, am I cramping up, and do I have any pain anywhere. I answered no to all the questions she asked except I told her not too long ago my abdomen hurt but then it went away. She looked at me puzzled and asked if I was sexually active. I blushed and said yeah. She then told me I should take a pregnancy test.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I stared at the little pink plus sign. This can't be true it has to be a fluke. But it was the third one I took. I quickly grabbed it and put it in some paper towels, and slipped it into the front pocket of my hoodie.

It was December and the weather was cold, not to mention the school was freezing. I checked myself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. Time for history class. How am I going to tell Tucker I'm pregnant? I shook my head pushing that thought aside. Pregnancy tests can be false. Better make a doctor's appointment.

I took my seat in History, avoiding Tuckers gaze. Thankfully the class filled up fast and he looked away.

"What's up?" Kevin asked.

"I got to tell you something." I told him, shaking a little bit.

"Okay?" He questioned, but before I said anything I picked up my bag and put it on the desk, in front of me so Tucker couldn't see. Kevin must have got the hint because he took his bag and put it behind us so the ones behind us couldn't see. I looked at him one last time before I took the test out of my pocket. Kevin just looked down at the paper towel confused. But after I opened it up and tilted it so he could see the little pink plus sign he looked at me. "Are you?"

I stared to tear up "Maybe."

"It could be false, but just in case set up an appointment."

"That's what I was going to do"

"Is there a problem here?" Tucker...er Mr. Jones' voice made me jump and quickly hide the test.

"No sir," Kevin told him, taking his bag and putting it on the side of him as I did the same with mine. Mr. Jone's looked at us for a few seconds, and by us I mean mostly me, before he turned and went back to his desk to teacher. I don't know I zoned out what if I actually am pregnant? What will Tucker say? Will this affect our relationship? Would he leave me to raise it alone? Would he stay and help me raise it? Questions just kept going through my head. 

I jumped when the bell rang. Mr. Jones stopped me at the door, waiting for everyone to leave before he spoke. "I have a meeting in the main office for a few minutes so can you take my car and get your brothers then come back and get me?" He asked. I nodded and he dropped the keys into my hand and smiled. I smiled back a small smile and walked away. Kevin caught up to me.

"Did you tell him?" He asked

"Why would I tell him when I don't even know if I am. I don't want to tell him I am and he ends up dumping me only for me to find out I'm not and that test really was a fluke."

"I understand. Are you calling for an appointment?"

"Yes." I kept it a secret from Kevin that I had taken a total of three tests. 

"Here use my phone." He said handing it over. I sighed before I dialed the number. The voice on the other end of the phone was a girl named Rachel.

"Hi. I'm calling to set up an appointment to see if I'm pregnant." It took everything in me to say that word.

"Sure let's see." It was silent for a few seconds. "How about today around five?"

"Sounds good."

"Have a nice day. Goodbye." I hung up.

"Tonight at five," I said to Kevin. He nodded and walked with me to Tucker's car.

"Want me to go with you?" He asked.

"No I'll be all set." He gave me the 'no you won't be look' "If it makes you feel any better I'll take someone with me."

"It would make me feel a lot better."

"Alright alright."

"Kay see you later." He waved as I got into the car, started it and left to go get Evan and Ian. After they were in the car I went back to the high school to get Hunter and Mr. Jones. They were both waiting in front, talking together. I got out and went to the passenger seat, as Tucker went to the drivers and Hunter climbed into the backseat.

"Want to have dinner tonight with me?" Tucker asked

"What time. I have to go somewhere at five" I told him.

"How about six?" He asked.

"Sure, I might be a little late"

"That's okay just call me when you're ready." He smiled and took my hand. I couldn't help but smile down at our hands. Mine fit so perfectly into his, just like our bodies. Almost like we were made for each other. Without me noticing he took my hand and brought it closer to his face, as we were stopped at a red light, and kissed it lightly.

"Awww." Ian cooed from the back seat. I blushed and Tucker chuckled a little.

After we got home, Tucker and I said our goodbyes and I went inside the house with my brothers. I decided to talk to them about the appointment.

"I have a doctor's appointment tonight." I told them.

"What for? What's wrong?" Evan was the first to ask.

"Um well..." I trailed off shutting my eyes tightly, not wanting to see their mad faces as I spoke again "I think I'm pregnant" I didn't hear anything, not even a gasp, so I slowly opened my eyes. I was surprised at what I saw. Hunter and Evan smiled, but Ian, Ian's smile was the widest. "So?" I questioned.

"Can I go with you tonight?" Hunter asked. I was going to ask him to. So I nodded.

"I'm going to go get Dani." Evan stood up smiling at me.

"Please don't say anything guys."

"We won't. We promise" The said all together.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Test after test, but I could be days before I find out the truth. So tonight, I'm going to make the best of it with Tucker.

I called him a little after six telling him I was ready to go. He came and picked me up.

Instead of taking me out like he said he took me to his apartment and had food already waiting. This guy seems to always amaze me.

The apartment was open, more than normal. The table was perfect, like a restaurants. A few candles were around the apartment. Soft music was playing in the background. We talked a little and ate surrounded by candle light. It was truly romantic.

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