~~Love And Grease~~

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Chapter Three:

~~Love And Grease~~

When I finally managed to get to the school it was still full of students.

I picked up Hunter first, like always, and of course he understood why I was late. I knew that he would. With him being like me, he knows what it's like to lose track of time or run into traffic when you have to be somewhere.

I waited for the traffic, to move forward so I could get to the middle school. The traffic stretched from the front of the high school to down the road a little bit.

Traffic was slow but I finally made it to the school. Unlike the high school it was empty. Because the buses pick up the elementary/middle school first. Evan and Ian were the only two around. They sat on the front steps waiting. Evan looked patient, whereas Ian was tapping his foot impatiently. I parked the van and waited for them to notice us.

When they noticed the van, they began walking towards it. Each of them keeping up with the other as they walked along. As they neared the van Evan began to walk faster leaving Ian behind.

"Hey Sabrina. Hey Hunter" Evan said when he got in. He took the seat next to Dani, by the door, and began playing with her, making her giggle.

"Hey Evan" Hunter and I said in unison.

"How was school?" I asked

"Pretty good," He smiled down at Dani. Ian reached the van soon after and got in. He remained silent, and took the seat behind Dani in the back.

The ride home was silent. We made it home, I stayed in the driver's seat, Evan and Hunter got out and took Dani out "Ian is something wrong?" I asked when the others were walking towards the house. He didn't answer, but got up from the back seat and began to get out of the van. I got out too. "What's wrong?" I stopped him.

"Cleaning the cafeteria is gross" he said

"Yeah but think about what you did. Maybe this will teach you a lesson?"

"Just the thought of it makes me not want to eat in there for awhile."

"Well you know you have to eat" I told him.

"Yeah I can't go without food" He laughed. "But maybe I could bring a bagged lunch?"

"Well alright my little piggy brother, let's get inside." I laughed, lightly slapping him on the back.


I told Hunter that Mike was coming to get me. He wasn't too happy. He never is when I mention Mike. Come to think of it Evan never is either. Must be an overprotective brother thing.

"Please, please, please watch Dani." I begged Hunter.

"So Mike isn't staying here?" Hunter asked sounding hopeful.

"Of course not. He's just picking me up and bringing me to work. Most likely he'll have supper there too. I bet he won't even come inside the house at all to get me."

"So he's not staying here?"

"I just said that. Now will you please watch her?"

"Yeah I'll watch her. What about Evan and Ian?"

"Evan is doing homework in his room and Ian is watching TV."

"What do I make for supper?" he asked.

"Anything the three of you agree on." I replied.

"We all have to agree?"

"Yes because I don't feel like getting a call from one of the twins asking to bring something home for him because he didn't like what you picked out."

"Well alright I guess. I'll ask them in a minute."

Only a few minutes later I heard a car pull up into the driveway. I looked out the window and saw it was Mike. I said bye to everyone and kissed Dani on the forehead before leaving.

"You look ready for work" He said smiling as he looked at me.

"And you look" I laughed.

"What, what's wrong?" He asked.

"You got grease on the side of your head and on your nose"

"Damn" He cursed trying to wipe it off. I just laughed as I watched him.

"Never mind it, just bring me to work and I will clean it off for you. You're doing a bad job anyway." I laughed.

"Fine" He looking over his shoulder and backed out of the driveway.

In five minutes we were at the restaurant. "How are you going to clean it off?" He asked after he parked the car in the parking lot.

"Follow me" I told me as I got out of the car. Slowly he got out and followed close behind me. We walked inside quickly and I lead him towards the bathrooms.

I grabbed a paper towel, wet it with water then tried to wipe the grease off. In no time the grease was removed.

"Thanks" he said kissing my cheek.

"You're welcome. Are you eating here?" I asked as I began to wash my hands.

"No my step mom wants me to go have supper with them. She's making a big meal."

"Go have fun" I smiled.

"Always. So how are you getting home?" He asked.

"I'll get a ride or I'll have Hunter come pick me up."

"Sounds like you got it all figured out." He laughed.

"No, but I try." I laughed.

"See you later then." We said goodbye then he left.

Since my shift was about to start, I headed towards the employee break room.

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