~~Like Him Already~~

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Chapter Eight:

~~Like Him Already~~

Dean and I walked into the house and instantly I was attacked by Dani.

"Momma!" She shouted.

"Momma?" Dean looked at me puzzled.

"I'll explain later."I told him as Evan came into the room.

"Sabrina, can I sleep over Dylan's house tonight?" Ian said.

"Sure. Tell him to have one of his parents pick you up" Evan shot Ian a glare as a car honked outside.

"They're here" He said grabbing the bag he had behind the door.

"Looks like its too late for me to say no. Go, but behave."

"I will. Bye" He ran out the front door.

"Oh, Dean that was my brother Ian. This is my brother Evan. You already met my brother Hunter at work. Evan this is Dean, he works with Hunter and I" I introduced.

"Hi" Evan said.

"Hey" Dean said. "Where's the kitchen, Sabrina?"

"Follow me" I said leading the way into the kitchen.

"Did you eat yet?" I asked Evan  seeing as it was eight in the evening.

"Nope." He said. "And I'm hungry."

"I bet." I laughed.

Dean, Evan and I sat down at the table to eat our pizza. "Where's Hunter? And where did Dani go?" I asked, seeing that Dani wasn't around me anymore.

"Last I knew Hunter was in his room and I guess Dani took off to play in hers"

"I'll be right back" I got up from the table and walked down the hall to Hunters room. "Hunter do you want some pizza?"

"No I'm not feeling so good. If I feel better later I will. Save me a few slices?"

"No problem." I told him leaving his room and going to Dani's. When I got there she was sitting on the floor playing with some toys of hers, mostly her favorite bear. I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen.

"And who's this?" Dean asked

"This is Daniella"

"She yours?" He asked. Evan choked on his pizza a little bit.

"No she's my little sister"

"Oh." He stuffed his face with some more pizza as I cut one slice into small pieces for Dani to eat. 

When we were all done eating I took the left over slices of pizza and put them away. "So can I call my friend?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to put Dani to bed." I got up and did what I said. 

When I came back Dean was already off the phone.

"Next Friday at eight" He said.

"Okay. Will you at least tell me his name?"

"Nope it's a blind date remember. And I have to go" He got up and walked to the door "Are you working tomorrow?"

"Nope I'm off till Wednesday"


"Well hey I'm still in high school"

"You're not working Friday night are you?"

"No I'm only working Wednesday and Thursday"

"I'll see you Thursday then. I'm working tomorrow afternoon, Monday evening and Thursday night."

I laughed "Okay see you Thursday."

"Be a good girl."

"Bye" I laughed

"Bye" He left.

"Sabrina who was he?" Evan asked as soon as the Deans car pulled away.

"He's someone that works with Hunter and I. He hates Mike as much as you do." I replied.

"I like that guy already" I laughed. "You're not dating him are you?"

"No no. He's trying to set me up with a friend of his"

"Have you met him?" He asked.

"No but I guess I will next Friday at eight."

"Good luck big sis. I'm going to bed."

"Night. I'll be heading there in a little bit."

I walked around the house one final time, making sure everything was locked. I checked on my siblings. Dani was out, with her thumb in her mouth. Hunter was still awake, listening to music with his headphones. Evan was asleep, with his feet uncovered and one sock on one sock off.

After checking on them I headed to bed myself. 

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