~~Uncle Alex~~

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Chapter Thirty eight:

~~Uncle Alex~~

**Tucker's pov**

Sabrina....The one thing keeping me from death.

She hasn't given me anymore ultrasound pictures. I'm a little bummed, my mom has all of them up on her fridge. Sabrina must be giving them to her.  She's missed a few days this week and her excuse was she was getting the baby's room set up. 

I tried calling Dean and he'd tell me he was busy with the baby's room or he was getting ready for work, or he was at work, or just busy in general. I gave up calling him, I'll stick to text messages.

Jessamine Lydia Jones is the baby's name. I love it. I hope shes just a beautiful as her mother.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Friday night after the last school bell rang, Sabrina ran out of class before I could get a word out to her. I saw her grab Hunter and a girl named Debby, who was in the middle of kissing her boyfriend, and pull them out the door. Hunter and Sabrina hoped in Dean's car after Sabrina told something to Debby. Debby and her boyfriend got in his car and followed Dean's car. What the heck is going on? I decided to ask Dean so I texted him.

'Whats got Sabrina so excited?'-Tucker

'Nothing why?'-Dean 

'She left before I could talk to get.'-Tucker

'Oh well. It's movie night. So bye.'-Dean

And just like that he stopped texting me. I was getting mad. I hated to be left in the dark. I didn't know which one of them to hate.

I remember movie nights with Sabrina, just me and her. She would cuddle up to me and would jump at scary parts and ever hid her face from the tv. It was unbelievably cute. I miss those little things. I miss a lot of things, like the way her hair smelled when we would cuddle, or that sweet smell of her's I would smell when I kissed her neck. The way her fingers fit between mine perfectly. The way her voice sounds when shes excited. The way she laughed. Her eyes, her ears, her cute nose, everything about her I miss and at the same time everything about her makes me love her. She drive me crazy.

Shes the first girlfriend I've ever had that drives me crazy, it's to the point if I don't have her in my life I feel like I can't breath.

I told that to my father one night when we had our father son time mom made us do and he said. "You've got it bad son."

If only he knew how bad. I never thought I'd see the day when I was lovestruck and whipped. All Sabrina has to do is say jump and I'll ask how high. I'm like a lost puppy without her. She's always on my brain.

And that baby belly of hers, the more I see it the more I want the baby to be mine. I'll love it even if it wasn't mine. Why did I ever start thinking that it wasn't? I picked up a bottle of whiskey I had on the kitchen counter and opened it. 'No' I told myself. 'If I want Sabrina back i need to stop all this' I poured it down the drain. After I was done that one I did it to the rest of the alcohol I had.

Just then someone knocked on the door. I opened it up and saw........Kevin. I backed up and let him in. He smiled and came inside and looked around.

"Can I help you?" I asked him. He didn't respond but made his way into the living room were he took a seat on the couch.

"Yes you can" He said.

"Just tell me what"

"Get Dean away from Sabrina"


"Because I don't want him around her. I don't want you with her. I want to be with her"

"Then why didn't you tell her that when she liked you in the ninth grade?"

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