~~Just Friends~~

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Chapter Thirty:

~~Just Friends~~

I'm happy I didn't have to go back to school for a week. The day Dean took me home was two days ago, Christmas was yesterday and it was a fun day.

Hunter bought me a necklace that had a heart and inside the heart was the letter 'S'. Evan and Ian chipped in and got me a baby blanket. Since we don't know what the gender of the baby is, they decided on a baby blue fuzzy blanket. Even Dani got something. It was the cutest thing ever. We sat in the living room opening gifts and talking about the baby, when she got up and went to her room. I just thought she was going to play with the doll I got her, since she took it with her. But instead she came back, with a teddy bear and the doll I gave her. She stopped in front of me and held out the teddy bear. I took it and picked her up. She grabbed the teddy bear and held it against my belly. 

"For baby" She said, looking from the bear to my belly to me.

"You're giving the baby your bear?" I asked her.

"Yes" She said. I couldn't help but smile and tear up a little bit. Evan took Dani off me and told her.

"Lets go put the bear in a special place, that way when the baby comes you can give it to them" She nodded her head excitedly.

I had gotten Hunter new clothes since he's been growing a lot and most of his clothes are too short. Evan gladly took them, since hes the next one. I got Evan a new comforter for his bed, he really needed one. His old one was full of holes. I got him the same one, so it still fit in with his room. Ian was harder to shop for. He didn't ask for anything, he just told me to buy something for the baby. I couldn't do that as much as I wanted, so I settled for buying a new pair of sneakers.

Hunter was happy he finally got new clothes. Evan loved the new comforter and ran to put it on his bed before he did anything else. He came back with the old one and threw it away. Ian looked shocked at his gift. I couldn't tell if he liked it or not. Finally he looked at me with the same smile he had on his face from when I told him I was pregnant.

"Thank you Sabrina! Theses are the ones I've been wanting!" He said giving me a tight hug.

"I didn't know. I didn't know what to get you so I settled on sneakers." He kept hugging me.

"Lucky guess" Dean said from beside me. Ian let me go and started to try on his new sneakers. "And what did you get for me?" Dean asked turning his attention to me.

"One sec" I told him getting up and going over to the tree. I picked up two small presents. I handed one to him but kept the other in my hand. He looked at me for a second before he opened it. He took the card first, I thought of him as the gift first card later kind of guy, I was wrong I guess.

He read the card and smiled. I had written 'I know things haven't gone the way either of us would have wanted. But I love Tucker and our baby, I just wish he would understand all this. But I know he probably never will. But I'm happy to have you. You are the greatest friend I could have ever asked for.' He opened the rest of the gift and held what I got him in his hands. I was a small thing, I didn't know what to get him, but judging by the look on his face he was happy.

"I've never gotten a gift this good before" He said still looking down at his hands.

"I know its small but that's all I could think of" He shh-ed me and hugged me. 

"Thank you. It means a lot to me." He smiled at me while he pulled back from the hug. "See that baby I'm the bestest friend in the world. Your mommy even said so" He smiled looking at my belly. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He grabbed his car keys and put the key chain I got him on it. 'I've been through a lot. People walk into my life then leave. But you Dean, you've stayed when I need someone the most. You're my bestest friend in the world -Sabrina Bourne' Was what the key chain said. I personalized it. I was glad everyone liked what I got them for Christmas and I was happy with what I got.

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