~~Happy Happy~~

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Chapter Twenty eight:

~~Happy Happy~~

Carly pulled up to my house and knocked on the door before I could go outside. "Hi Sabrina. Ready to go?" She asked.

"Ya just let me go get my jacket" I told her.

"Here take mine" Dean said handing his over to me.

"Um no thanks, I'll just go get mine its in my room"

"No take mine"

"Why? I can just go get mine"

"Your appointment in in ten minutes just take it" He said. I gave him the 'what the h**l' look.

"Dean spilled coffee on your jacket" Evan blurted out and quickly put his hand over his mouth. "Sorry" He said to Dean who glared at him.

"You did what!?" I shouted at Dean.

"I. Spilled. Coffee. On. Your. Jacket" He said word by word.

"I heard that. Why?"

"I don't know it was accident"

"An accident?"


"Dean don't tick off the egnantpray irlgay" Ian said.

"Too late" I called taking Dean's jacket and walking out the door, with Carly following.

"Dean's here, where Tucker?" She asked.

"Can we talk about this on the way to the hospital?"

"Of course"

I waited till we were pulling into the hospital parking lot before I said anything. "TuckerbrokeupwithmecauseIgotpregnant" I said.

"Tucker did what?" She asked finding a parking spot and killing the engine

I sighed and took a deep breath "Tucker broke up with me."

"Oh dear, when?"

"Friday after school"


"That's why we're here" I said getting out of the car. She followed behind me. She took a seat by the door while I went to check in. When I sat next to her she looked at me.

"Why are we here?"

"I had an appointment"

"Why did I need to come?"

"You didn't. I just thought you'd like to"

"Tell me why. I not sure why"

"I'm pregnant. I'm here for an ultrasound" I watched as her eyes widened and excitement took over her emotionless face. She started to smile. "It's Tuckers"

She smiled even more. "Then why am I here and not him?" She asked.

"He broke up with me"

"Does he know?"

"Yes. I told him Friday after school and he broke up with me, saying that it was a mistake and he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby"

"Oh dear."

"And I remember you saying you couldn't wait to be a grandmother so I thought you'd like to come with me"

She leaned over and hugged me. "Thank you. Thank you so much"

"Its no problem. He or she will be your grandchild whether or not Tucker thinks this is his child or not"

"Slow down what do you mean?"

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