~~I'll Fight For Her~~

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Chapter Twenty:

~~I'll Fight For Her~~

Monday rolled around. I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock. I was just about to go back to sleep when someone sat down on my bed. I opened my eyes and saw Dani looking at me.

"Time to get up Sab" Evan said sticking his head up from the side of the bed. I got up slowly, yawning and stretching. "I was just about to bring Dani over to Martha's house. And I saw you were still asleep so I came to wake you up."

"What time is it?" I asked him, not even bothering to look at the time.

"Seven fifteen. You better get ready"  Already? My alarm is set for six. So I guess I really did fall back asleep. I blame Tucker for keeping me out so late last night. 

I ran around my room looking for clothes to wear, and quickly ended up in dark jeans with my black and pink shoes, with a purple and blue flannel shirt. Most girls around here can't make a flannel shirt look good but I sure can. I really didn't care about my hair today, it was still straightened which surprised me. After I was done with the bathroom I brushed my hair, then my teeth and met Evan, Ian and Hunter by the front door.

"Ready?" Hunter asked

"Yup. Lets go"

"Ready to see lover boy?" Ian joked.

"Always" I told him and he laughed a little bit. We headed over to the car in our driveway. Hunter threw me the keys but I threw them back to him "You drive"

"Sweet" He said. I couldn't help but laugh. When Hunter is allowed to drive to school he gets excited. He's such a dork sometimes, but that's why I love him.

Ian and Evan got out at the middle school, arguing over who was taller, which was Evan but Ian thinks hes right all the time. Now I don't have a favorite brother, but Ian gets on my nerves sometimes when he thinks he knows everything, when he really doesn't. I love him to death but we're not as close as we used to be. Can you believe Evan and I used to hate each other? We only got close at the hospital when I was telling my brothers I'll need help to take care of Dani. In fact he's the one that gave Daniella her nickname Dani.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Sabrina are you coming or not?" Someone asked jumping me out of my thoughts. I looked around to see Kevin leaning against the side of the car. I didn't remember getting out of the car, or even getting to school at all. Strange.

"I don't want to" I told him honestly

"Lets go see your boyfriend" 

"Have to wait till later. How about I go back home and sleep some more, then come back at lunch. Put in a half day"

"Come on" He said pulling me to the building. No sooner had we walked in the front doors the bell rang.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The day went by slow, like every other Monday. Kevin asked me about how meeting Tucker's parent's was. I told him it was fine, his father is funny and his mother is nice.

Finally it was time for history, I was looking forward to it. Kevin and I walked in the door together, getting stuck while we came in the doorway. Tucker.....er Mr. Jones looked up at us and chuckled to himself. Kevin and I pushed each other to our seats, while other kids in the room glared at us. Kevin was about to flip off a group of cheerleaders when I caught him and held his finger until he said uncle.

"Is everything alright over here?" Mr. Jones asked, a smirk on his lips.

"Yes sir" Kevin said smiling at me, as he wiggled his finger out of my grasp.

"Please keep your hands to yourself Sabrina" Mr. Jones told me before he started to walk away.

"Yeah keep your hands to yourself Sabrina. You're only allowed to touch that wonderful boyfriend of yours" Kevin whispered. I blushed like crazy, and tried to ignore Kevin the rest of the class.

The final bell rang and everyone ran out of the class. I got all my things together and headed for the door with Kevin on my side. Getting stuck in the door way this morning was nothing compared to us getting stuck after school. "Kevin let me go" I said.

"I need to go Sabrina."

"So do I. I have brothers to get!"

"And I have a life! Let me out first"

"You let me out first"


"Come on Kev...ah" Someone pulled me away from the door frame. I turned to see Mr. Jones laughing as he had his arms around me.

"Thank you Mr. Jones" Kevin laughed and ran from the door.

"Why did you do that. I need to leave. I have to get Evan and Ian"

"I wanted to talk to you"

"About what?"

"I don't know" He smiled. "My parents want you to come over this weekend with your brothers, and Dani"

"Oh no"

"It's it good thing Hun, they like you and want to meet your family"

"I'll let everyone know when I get everyone together at home. Now can I go before something happens?"

"Not yet" I gave him the you've got to be kidding me look, before he backed me up tho
the closest wall and kissed me long and soft. I love his soft kisses.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Mystery persons pov*

I watched Tucker push Sabrina to the wall by the board, then watched as he kissed her. 

Jealously spread threw me. I can't believe her mouth is on his, they should be on mine. I've been following them for the last couple months. I can't believe they're together. Maybe I can find some stuff out about Tucker's past and share it with Sabrina. But I don't think I'll find anything on him. Sadly he's a good boy. I hate good boys. I hate Tucker he has my girl.

They pulled away from each other and started talking again. He let go of her and she left the room in a hurry. 

She got to the car in the parking lot, where her brother Hunter was waiting. They left and I turned my attention back to the classroom. Tucker stood by the window looking out. I'm sure he couldn't see me cause if he could have he would have been out here asking questions. 

Oh Tucker if only you knew how much I'm willing to fight for Sabrina.

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