~~I'm Moving On~~

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Chapter Thirty two:

~~I'm Moving On~~

I did the math in my head. I would have this baby while I was still eighteen. Tucker would be about to turn twenty seven. Dean will be twenty seven. Evan and Ian will be fifteen, Hunter will be seventeen and Dani would be two. The baby is coming in June, and its around Hunters birthday.

I stopped my thoughts and turned my attention back to the front where Mr. Jones was teaching. It has been three weeks since the new years kiss and he hasn't said anything to me at all. I've lost hope in thinking he'd come back. Clearly he doesn't want me anymore.

"That's annoying" Kevin gave me a pointed looked.

"What is?" I asked looking around.

"That" He nodded his head. 

"Huh?" I questioned.

He sighed with frustration and grabbed my hand and pinned it to that table. "You rubbing your belly is annoying" He slowly let my hand go. "You're starting to show you know."

"Kev I'm Only four months"

"Have you looked at yourself? You're showing. Are you having twins?"

"No. The ultrasound only shows one"

"Did you go yesterday?"


"Everything okay?"

"Yes everything is fine."

"When do we know if its a boy or girl?"

"I don't know" I answered him honestly.

"I see you two would rather be talking instead of doing your work." Mr. Jones said standing in front of us, pointing to the board where the assignment was written. "What was so important you had to talk instead of doing your work."

Kevin looked up at him, a sly smile on his lips. "We were talking about babies" Mr. Jones eyes widened and he walked away.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked him.

"Well I could have said We were talking about your baby you stupid ungrateful little pr.." I cut him off.

"Enough Kevin. Seriously just drop it. I'm moving on."

"You are?" He smiled. "Maybe you should give that Dean guy a shot. I mean hes always around"

"I guess." I sighed but Dean and I are more like siblings, we could never date. Besides I couldn't really see myself with anyone except Tucker. 

Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. Kevin looked at me and Susan turned in her seat.

"That was loud" She said "I'm surprised Mr. teacher dude didn't hear it"

"I know" I said looking up front to see Mr. Jones spaced out on the computer. I picked up my phone.

'My sister wants me to bring you to her bday party. You game?' -Dean.

"Sure when?'-Sabrina

'This weekend'-Dean


'It's on Saturday. It's a sleepover girl type thing.'-Dean

'And you're going.'-Sabrina

'Yeah I can't resist so many girls'-Dean

'I'm so jealous'-Sabrina

'I know but I won't leave you that night alright'-Dean


"I promise. It's Kelly's 21 bday'-Dean


'I know my baby sister is growing up *tear*'-Dean

'You're getting old too you know.'-Sabrina

'Yeah. hey! Did you give Tucker the ultrasound picture yet? My mom said you got two pictures again?'-Dean

'Yeah I did. But I'm waiting till after school to give it to him.'-Sabrina

'Gotcha. What's the date today?'-Dean

'It's Thursday why?'-Sabrina



'That means we only have one day to get u ready for the party'-Dean

'Should I be scared.'-Sabrina


Someone cleared their throat. I looked at Kevin who nodded his head in the direction of Mr. Jones. I looked his way. He was looking at me, but I couldn't tell if he was looking at me, at me, or zoned out in my direction. The bell rang.

'I'm in front waiting for you.'-Dean

Not bothering to text him back I walked to the front of the room, then stopped. I put my bag on the closest desk and took the picture out, with a piece of notebook paper. 'Our baby' I wrote on the paper and folded it so the picture would slide inside. I walked to the front, where Mr. Jones stood waiting for everyone to leave the room.

I got in line behind the ones who were waiting their turn to leave. When I got right in front of his desk, I looked behind me, no one was there so I put the paper on his desk. He looked at me and reached for it, before he could open it I ran from the room.

Seriously I'm too chicken to see his reaction. I don't know what he'll do. I ran until I was outside. I spotted Dean's car and headed for it.

"Why were you running?" He asked.

"I gave Tucker the ultrasound picture"

"What did he do?"

"Thats why I ran. I didn't want to see what he'd do. Why are we still here?"

"Hunter forgot something in his locker."


"So why don't you want to see Tucker's reaction"

"I just don't" I sighed. 

"Whats wrong?"


"Something is wrong tell me" I sighed again trying to ignore him. "You can't ignore me and you know it" He laughed a little.

"Fine. I think it's a good idea to get over Tucker alright. He doesn't want me or the baby so I'm just going to forget about him'

"Alright" He said staring out the windshield. Hunter came out of the school and got in the car. I just kept staring out the passenger door window.

*Tucker's pov*

I watched Sabrina make her way to the front before stopping for something. I turned my attention away from her for a second to answer one of the students questions.

"Is the work due tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes." She nodded and went up to her friends telling them. When I turned to look back as Sabrina was by my desk. I have no idea why so many kids are still in my class right now. They usually leave right when the bell rings, but today they we lined up like elementary students. Something must be going on.

Sabrina finally got in front of my desk and looked around behind her, I kept my eyes on her. She put a paper down on my desk, I reached for it. 'Our baby' was written on a piece of notebook paper. I smiled a little, she still thinks this baby is mine. When I turned to look at her, she was running out of the room. I wanted to call her back, but I knew she wouldn't turn around. I pulled the picture out from the paper. She gave me another ultrasound picture.

I put it in a safe place, inside my laptop case and gathered up all my things and left my classroom. The hallway looked like a fight had just happened, a few lockers were dented. A fight would explain why it took awhile for everyone to get out of the classroom. Halfway to my car my phone vibrated in my pocket. I picked up up right away.

'Sabrina's moving on. She's going to forget about you. Call me later well work on phase two of my plan'-Dean

She's moving on? She's going to leave me all alone? I could feel my heart breaking. I didn't expect her to give up on me.

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