~~Danger Danger~~

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Chapter Fifteen:

~~Danger Danger~~

We watched a couple more movies before we decided to eat. Tucker quickly jumped up and followed us into the kitchen, then shooed us out so he could make something for all of us. Evan and I laughed a bit but let him be. When four thirty came around Tucker called us into the kitchen. We sat down at the table and eat the cheeseburgers Tucker made us.

At six, I pulled Tucker off the couch. "What?" He asked.

"You have to pick up Hunter at work." I simply told him.

"Oh right. When does he get out?"

"Six twenty-five." I replied.

"I just have time to get there." He walked away. I gave Evan the 'watch Dani look' he smiled and nodded his head. I followed Tucker until he stopped by the kitchen for some water. I caught up to him before he left the room. Sliding my hand in his, he looked at me. "Where are you going?" He asked smiling.

"With you,"


"Cause I want to." I rolled my eyes. I think he got the hint cause once we got to the small hallway by the door he spun me around in front of him-letting go of my hand and bringing his down to my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips met mine sweetly. I pulled myself closer to him. Breathless we pulled back. We caught our breath before I grabbed his hand and walked out the door. He only let my hand go, so I could get in the car, but once we were inside he took it again. The ride was quiet except for the radio playing softly.

We made it to the restaurant, Hunter wasn't outside waiting. "Where's Hunter?" I asked.

"I don't know. Want to go inside to see?"

"You and me inside together? People might see us."

"You're right. You go I'll stay here." He let go of my hand, but the look on his face told me he didn't want to. I got out and went inside.

"Becky," I said to one of the waitresses. "Have you seen Hunter?"

"Yea, he has a few more minutes left."

"Alright I'll wait here"

"I'll tell him you're here." She smiled and walked away. I stood by the front of the restaurant, drumming my fingers on the counter.

"That's really annoying." A voice whispered in my ear.

"You said you were staying in the car."

"I didn't want to" He started running his hand down my back, making me shiver.

"Stop it," I told him, trying to sound like I wasn't enjoying it.

"You like it." He said in my ear again.


"You do. You just stuttered." Damn why did I have to do that.

"Stop before someone sees." The sound of heels walking towards us didn't make him stop either. Did he want to get fired!?

"What are you two doing here?" A female voice made Tucker and I jump a little. I looked up to see Mrs. Lawrence the schools home economics teacher looking at Tucker and me.

"Picking up my brother," I told her. Her eyes drifted to Tucker.

"Together?" She raised her eyebrow at us.

"Sabrina needed a ride to get him, so I volunteered." Tucker told her.

"Haven't gotten a car yet?" She asked me.

"I wish I had one. But the bills are just too much for Hunter and I."

"Well I'm sure if you ever need a ride you could call anyone on the teaching staff. We know it's hard for you." She looked up at Tucker. "Thanks for helping her." She smiled before walking out the door. I let out a long breath.

"That was close." Tucker and I both said the same time. We laughed. Hunter came out and was ready to go. So that's what we did. We headed home.

As soon as we got in the car Tucker grabbed my hand. The ride home was shorter than I would have liked it to be.

"Thanks for the ride." Hunter smiled at Tucker as he got out.

"Thanks for supper." I told him. He squeezed my hand a little tighter and pulled me over to him. His lips touched mine softly before he backed away.

"See you Monday." He said.

"Monday Mr. Jones," I laughed. He didn't let my hand go.

"It's Tucker." He laughed.

"Outside school, but Monday you'll be Mr. Jones." He laughed with me and eventually let me go.

From the front of the house I watched him. He waved to me and smiled. I waited for him to drive off before I headed into the house. Once he was out of view I went inside and was greeted by Dani.

"How are you, baby girl?" I asked. She smiled at me as I picked her up. "You ready for a bath?"

"Yeah." Her sweet little voice said excitedly.

"Let's go." I carried her to her room to get some of her pajamas.

"Bath time?" Hunter asked as we walked by him on our way to the bathroom.

"Yeah." I told him.

"Need any help?"

"No I'll be fine."

"Okay well I'll be around if you need me."

"Okay. There's a plate in the microwave for it."

"Okay thanks." He started to walk away. "What is it?"

"I don't remember, but it was good. Tucker made it."

He laughed. "I'll be the judge of if it's good or not." He walked away and I took Dani into the bathroom for her bath.

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