~~Bad News~~

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Chapter Four:

~~Bad News~~

I made it to the break room and right away I was called into the Manager's office.

I said a quick hello to the two women I worked with, in the break room. They smiled at me then continued on with their conversation as I walked by them.

Hesitantly I knocked on the wooden door of the Manager's office.

"Come in" Mr. Bates, the manager, called from inside his office. I stepped into the room to see him sitting in his chair,located behind his desk. "Ah Sabrina, just the girl I was talking about. Come in. Sit, sit." He motioned for me to sit down in one of the chairs that were in front of his chair. After shutting the door behind me, I stepped fully into the room walked over to take a seat.

In the other chair sat a person I hadn't noticed when I first got into the room.

The person in the other chair turned to look at me. His hair was a little messy but it looked good. It didn't look like the 'I just rolled out of bed' look that guys do these days.. His blue eyes were bright.

"Sir my shift starts in a minute." I decided to inform Mr. Bates, in case he had forgotten.

"It's okay if you miss a few minutes, you're in my office and no one is going to give you a hard time about it." He waved it off. "The whole staff heard me announce for you to come to my office." He paused "Now this is Dean. He's a new employee. You will be showing him around for a few days. Get him use to the way things work around here. I picked you because you are the only person I've never had a complaint about. Of course your brother is another one but you just so happen to be working today"

I turned to look at the guy named Dean. He smiled at me and stuck out his hand. "Dean Smith"

I shook his hand. "Sabrina Bourne. Nice to meet you"

"I was just about to say that" He chuckled.

"Looks like you'll get along great. Dean, Sabrina will show you everything. You can leave now." Mr. Bates said. We got up and left.

"So your name is Sabrina" Dean said.

"Didn't we just introduce ourselves in there? Yes that's my name" I tried not to laugh.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Eighteen" I replied.

"You're eighteen. You don't look it."

I laughed. "I get that a lot. What about you, how old are you?"


"You're old" I joked and he laughed.

"So are you single?"

"Nope I have a boyfriend" I looked over at the costumers and saw a man sit down, then a lady sat down with a little girl with blonde hair. I smiled. "Well let's get this started. Follow me and watch carefully"

I walked towards the couple that walked in a few moments earlier with the little girl.

As far as I could tell Dean followed me. I took their orders, and then headed off to another table to take more orders.

I was showing Dean what to do and giving him tips like, be polite, don't get angry if they're slow or ask a lot of questions, and don't roll your eyes as we went on.

After I took the orders of a few customers I let Dean do one. He did a great job. I watched him as he went to a table to bring their food, then he went over to another table to take their orders.

"Am I doing alright?" He asked when he came back to the counter.

"Yes, you're doing fine. Keep it up." The bells on the front door went off, meaning someone new came in. "Can I take this one? After all I need a pay check too" I joked.

"Of course. Can I tag along?"

"I guess" I said as I began to walk towards the person who just walked inside and found a table to sit at. "What can I get for you?" I asked. The person had their head in a menu, so I couldn't really see them.

"I already have everything I want." Mike said looking up from his menu.

"Oh what's that?"

"You" Dean snorted next to me and when I turned to look at him he was glaring at Mike.

"Mike this is my trainee" I said.

"Hey" Mike turned to look at Dean, his face froze. "Dean" He said flatly

"Hello Mike" Both men had a look of pure hatred on their faces.

"I'll bring you a smoothie" I said to Mike who nodded his head, not talking his eyes off Dean. I walked away from them.

"You're dating Mike?" Dean said coming behind me as I made Mike a smoothie

"Yes why? And what was with that look you two were giving each other?"

"He's bad"

"He's bad? I just met you."

"I've known him for many years. Since high school."

"Why the evil looks?"

"He's a huge a**. I highly doubt he has changed."

"Think what you want." I turned and walked away from him and headed back over to where Mike sat.

"How's work so far?" Mike asked.

"Work." I laughed. "How was family dinner?"

"Cancelled." He sighed.

"How come?"

"They forgot theuly had tickets to a show tonight. They're getting old." He laughed.

"Aw." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. "I have to get back to work, but I'll see you later."

Slowly I walked away from him and continued working. Dean joined me after awhile.

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