Chapter 34: Night Of The Winter Blue Moon

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   Maggie threw some dry herbs into the blue fire to keep it burning. "Tonight on the Winter Blue Moon quarter we will hunt," Daniel said with a smile at the cheering group. After dinner, many of them left leaving the total now to about 50. Most being his closer relatives local to this part of Oregon. Everybody was pumped and ready for action. All this energy had me excited, but there was one thing missing. I have no clue about hunting animals.

Sure werewolf hunting counts as hunting, but that's hunting extremely hard to find wolves that can shift forms. For the most part, we are only looking for humans, and even then I still don't know how to control my wolf side yet. Having another voice in your head can really be obnoxious.

'What do we do now?' I asked through a private link. Hearing that a werewolf hunter doesn't know how to hunt a deer is pretty ironic for the fact that werewolves are far harder to catch. "you'll see" Daniel reached for my hand, guiding me to the forest. By now my wolf wanted out, she continuously nagged at the back of my conscious. I may have been able to block her most of the time, but I'm no pro.

I ran at full speed to take my other form. Compared to all the other times I practically fell while trying to jump shift in the woods I actually landed gracefully. 'Now come the fun part' I heard Mary in my head. Daniel's howl rang in the woods followed by many others from the pack. Taking a chunk from a deer wasn't all that appetizing, but just the sheer pound of my heart while running was enough to make me happy. ' so how will the newest member do in a family competition?' Axle, Daniels brother input through the pack link. I could feel anger and slight irritation from Daniel from the bond. 'I'll do it' I cut him off from some commanding response. '

Good. The first one to overhaul a buck takes the win'

'If I lose?'

'You have to go in public and belly dance to Shakira dressed like a belly dancer' Mary input

'and if I win?'

'Daniel and I will take a shot for every ten pounds on the buck you take down. Deal?' Axle replied

'You got yourself a deal, but start preparing to take in that alcohol'

'Sure when you start dancing.'

If there is anything in this world that I enjoy its challenges and I am very competitive. I padded through the dark forest with only the moon as my source of light. Even with Daniel's arguments against the challenge, I was determined to make the get drunk to their stomachs. Could they even get drunk? Being werewolves and all. You know what I don't even care just as long as I show them a werewolf hunter can hunt anything in any form.

I halted when the smell hit me like a ton of bricks in the face. Just ahead of me was a pretty big buck sniffing around a patch of clovers. 'We can do this. Just stay quiet and aim for the neck' my wolf guided me for the kill. I can do this I can prove myself worthy. With every cautious step, I watched the deer as he nibbled on clover. One. Two. Three!

I lunged with the power of my hind legs and using my strengths to aim for the buck. Of course being the clumsy wolf I am I trip midway. How that happens, I don't know but it was more than embarrassing.

In a sliding motion, the deer turned to run but was taken down in an instant. Daniel clamped his jaw on the already dead animal. 'Take it' he said in a commanding tone.

'Take something that you killed for me? How does that abide by any rules? If they catch a bigger buck I lose fair and square. This-' I motioned to the body, 'is not a fair win'

'You will not go in exposing clothes in front of anybody except me. Take the kill' it was his wolf that was in control because his eyes changed from silver to black.

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