Chapter 10: Just Another Day......Not

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   Finally. I spent around three hours preparing a plan to get out of here as fast as possible. First, I would take any light necessities and a load of cash all along with two tickets to paradise. Well, I plan on traveling to South Carolina. Just a random place far from our town here in Oregon, but I ordered a spare set of decoy tickets I will "forget one"here that will lead my siblings down to Mexico. All I needed to do now was get money.

The most important part of this scheme will be making money and leave. The hardest part is saying goodbye. Life won't be the same ever. I will not have any siblings to help me with any of my problems. I will start off with a new life. A lonely life. In the end, your family will be protected; I convinced myself it was for the best. Quietly I started to pack some oversized shirts, simple pants, and any other necessities. I sprayed a scent changing perfume on everything in the bag. If Conner were right, I would be dealing with werewolves hunting skills, and by the experience, I've had over the years with hunting this is the best stuff that will cover any scent. And I bought it from a rogue, so it is a BIG secret from Conner. He would have a heart attack if he knew I had this.

When I finished, I tucked the bag under my bed. I only have five more days left until I go. I sighed. Why is everything have to be so complicated? A knock at the door made me jump and run to the door. Jane rushed through in a rush, "Got rouge alert again on the Nightshade's territory. Suit up and roll out". Just like that she ran back out and started yelling commands to the rest of the family. Wait did she say Nightshade? Sh*t.

Oh, things are about to get bumpy. I played it cool as I got in the car, but the closer we got to the border the more I was screaming internally. A part of me wanted to run while other part wanted to jump into his arms and never let go. I need him. NO! Bad Red. Urg this is so damn frustrating. Every second it took the more anticipation grew. We parked near the closest opening in the forest and went the rest on foot.

Of course, when we neared into the trail, he stood there leaning against a tree looking cocky. "The rogues passed by just a few minutes ago over my border," he informed my brother, who simply nodded in response. He walked forward with the rest of my brothers and sisters following. Just get this over with. I waited until they were out of hearing distance. "They don't know about the deal, so please don't tell them or hint anything," I said looking at the floor. If I looked at him, I'd be drooling or pass out from the awkward tension.

"I figured you didn't tell them, but eventually, you will have to," he said sounding a bit angered. Another roll of guilt washed over me. Just talking to him gave me comfort. Comfort I won't ever feel when I leave. Maybe you should stay with him. He needs us - We need him, my mind commanded rather than suggested. What is wrong with me?

"I have to go." I ran to catch up with my brother. If I stayed with him too long, I might change my mind involuntary. Turn around and go to our mate! My mind screamed, but I continued running. Eventually, it will shut up, we - my other part of the brain, I guess? Whatever I need to get my head in the game.

Conner was a good mile away when I got tackled to the ground. A gray wolf stood over me baring its teeth. Because it was a small size I was able to throw her off of me. I flipped out my daggers for a close cut, dodging her strike I stabbed the knife in her side. Quickly I dashed to the other side to give distance. She came back up slowly and angered. She rammed at me once again. I ran and slid under her belly slashing the sore muscle.

I left to catch up with my siblings going the limp body on the floor. Behind me, two wolves stalked me with raging snarls. Both had the same russet colored coat. I increased my speed for a good chase. They have no idea what they've got coming. Instantly I halted to a stop and swatted them with my staff, knocking them to a tree. How many rogues are there?

I clicked my staff into bow mode. Since I was prepared, I included a quiver with a dozen silver tipped arrows. Silver is deadly if set into the system - hence why we make every single weapon we own with silver. I made a head shot to both wolves. When it comes to rogues it's simple to pick out the ones want to harm you; it's obvious because they want to rip your head off - any honest rouge would kneel and most importantly, turn over showing our dominance. That's another way to tell the fakes apart; they will never bow down in submission.

Multiple shots echoed from within the forest. It sounded like a full house. This is bad. Shouldn't they be there helping them? You should be by his side fighting; my mind snapped angrily. That was the last thing I could remember before something slammed me from behind.

A raging wolfs teeth carved into my left wrist filling making it sear with pain. I kicked the wolf on the side throwing it into a tree. My wrist burned horribly, but that wasn't the only pain I felt. All my limbs started to a position in spots I never thought were humanly possible. I held in a scream from the pain. A colossal wolf was more than enough for me if I screamed it would only attract more of them. Then more pain came after the next. My arms grew to a paw followed by my legs. How the hell do werewolves shift all the time if it is this painful? My jaws cracked, and my canines pointed out of my mouth. I recognized the bone snapping sound. This is my first shift.

The pain was too much for me, and the wolf was starting up again. Hell, there is no way anybody could get here in time to save me. Why now? Why do I have to shift now?!? That feeling I had when I was cornered by the other wolf was nothing compared to right now. I don't even know how to fight in wolf form. That's why you have me my-other-mind- a voice said proudly.

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