Chapter 16: Party Hard

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"Uncle Tommy!" I ran to my uncle and jumped in his arms like a little kid. "Our little Pinkie Pie is here" he laughed. He still had the same dark brown eyes with a mischievous glint. Beside the small signs of aging, he looked the same but smelled different. "You're a werewolf?" I asked shocked that I never noticed it before. 'You weren't a werewolf with heightened senses back then, so he seemed human to you' my wolf informed me. It did make sense, though, now that I'm a wolf my scent has improved a lot. So that mean's Aunt Ruby is his mate then.

He dropped me to the floor, and I got engulfed in a broad chest. "No way it's our little pink smurf," my cousin Michael said with a chuckle. If he is here does that mean- "Red?! You're here!". Of course, his brother would be here. Aaron, Michael's younger brother, came in and hugged me. Beside Melinda, my Aunt Ruby has two other sons Michael and Aaron. 

"What brings you here Red?" my uncle asked. Telling by the facial expression he had he knew the reason already but was waiting for me to confirm it. "Well, ya' know... ha..ha it's a funny story once you get to hear it. Well. I-uh Kind of left home" I said to myself more than anyone. The look said it all. "Come here young lady," he said sternly and pulled me away from everybody until they were out of hearing distance.

"Spill it," he said, and I told him everything. It wasn't so awkward telling him about the mate dilemma because he was the kind of person who would listen to you without judging your mistake and think back on my decision make me feel stupid. Besides Conner, Uncle Tommy is the closest thing I have to a father figure after my dad died. It's the same with my Aunt Ruby and Jane. Within minutes, Aunt Ruby walked in on the conversation. "Hun, do you know how much you must have hurt the poor boy not to mention your brother and sisters as well?" she sighed. Well, I never stopped to think about it like that. Was he hurt? Does he love me? The word love sounded foreign in my mind. Love as in love over love. Oh gosh, I hope we won't be like that "perfect couple" who continuously call each other babe in every sentence.

"Alright Red here is the deal. You save up the money and take your happy little butt back to your mate" he smiled. Both my uncle and aunt seemed to have some telekinetic conversation that ended with them both smiling. This was a shock. "Does that mean I can stay?". Again they nodded, and my aunt laughed at my facial expression. I would have never guessed in a million years that they would let me off the hook like that. "Oh, but you're not off the hook just yet," Aunt Ruby said, "As soon as you get back you're going with your mate no buts about it." The one time she is the adult I get the awkwardest punishment ever. "Wh- huh? But what if he doesn't love me or even want me with after I did?". 'He will forgive us' my wolf murmured though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

"Red no matter what a mate will do anything to get to their mate even if it means scrounging the world one city at a time. In fact, he has to be a strong alpha considering that he let you stay with your siblings for a few weeks because it had to be killing him inside. If Ruby were away from me more than a week, I would tear everything apart and go on a rampage. You are his soul mate, his other half. It may not have hurt you so much since you barely shifted, but to him, it is a whole different story." he said with a caring face. "It's possible to have a human mate?" I asked curiously. I've heard of it happening before, but never really seen it in person. "With Fate, honey, anything is possible. They could be mated to vampires too". Fate is such a strange thing, but I guess it's a good thing Daniel is my mate.

'I'm sorry' my wolf whispered. What for? It was my fault for leaving. The fact that I was putting my mate through pain made both my wolf and me feel guilty.

I gave my best smile to my Aunt and Uncle, "Deal accepted." I messed this up, but I will make it right. 'Let's hope he will still want us' my wolf said with little hope.

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