Chapter 31: Pre-Destined Cat Fight......or Wolf Fight?

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     "You are like a kid Red. I swear if I could get a dollar for every time I lost you I'd be rich. Like freakin Bill Gates Rich! But anyways, you're lucky you out danced that guy and walked off lie a total bada$$." Mel spurted. Her and Sandra found me in the dance club a little after I battled. Mel went from yelling at me to singing along to the song. She blared the speaker as we all joined in to sing.

Once the candy was passed out we all were sugar rushed and very hyper. Eventually, I was back at my house with the speakers on dancing and singing karaoke. Normal people act like this when they are drunk, but not us. Only when we have way too much sugar in our systems we act drunk.

"OOOHHHHHHHh Timber.....hahahaha twerking in their bras and thongs like Miley Cyrus" Mel sang to the top of her lungs. Her black blouse hung loosely on her shoulders as she twirled in circles. "Bwahahahahahaha!" my stomach hurt from laughing and I missed the Snickers Sandra tossed me. "Pfft you are a werewolf hunter who can't catch candy" she slurred. We all laughed. "Oooooohh ooh oh Ohh hoo Ohh oh Timber!"

I let the rhythm of the song control my body as I danced. "Let's make a night you won't remember". When the chorus came on Sandra and I linked hands and spun in a circle. "Okay, stop I have the best idea ever. Let's do a Zumba thing of this and dance". Of course, I and my great ideas lead to our persistence in trying them. I pushed the couches out of the way, and delicately moved the sweets I found stashed in the pantry (and how could I forget my lovely Hot Cheetos) while Sandra hooked up the Tv with the iPad.

"No more I give up!" she fell to the floor with gasps for air in-between gulps of water. "We haven't even got to the good part" I grabbed a handful of the Hot Cheetos and savored their spiciness. "Dude, you have to try these" my cousin tossed a purple chip bag in my direction. With one bite I was in love. They were spicy and satisfying.


The dancing stopped and was replaced with COD. "Red! Ahhhhh!" Our all-out battle was cut short when the door banged open. Daniel stood there in disbelief with quite a few members behind him. "See ya cuz, that's all on you" Mel darted from the couch. "Whoa, who's this?" a guy I didn't recognize asked with an almost flirtatious tone. Daniel growled aggressively, " Your alpha female and my mate. All of you out now"

"Red where in the world were you?!" He turned to me after the door slammed shut once again.

"Shopping, so what were you doing" I responded casually

"I was out looking for you. Why in the world were you out so late?" he sounded like my brother, too over protective. 'more like possessive' "There are going to be a whole new rule change from now on there will be a curfew. This is for your protection Red"

"You have got to be kidding me. Ok, Where are the cameras? This has to be a joke, I am a freak werewolf hunter for Pete's sake! I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." I said still in shock of how serious he was acting. This isn't a joke is it. "This is no joke and I am serious. You will not go out without me or your brothers by your side at all. NEVER"

"No" My rebellious tone angered him.


" 1. The last time I checked Daniel I am a freak in adult, not a child needing to be cared for 24/7. I will come and go as I please without a bodyguard and 2. I will not be locked up in this house".

I need to punch something or scream. Before he could say another word, which by the looks of it he was, I ran to the nearest room with angered stops. He was really serious and I don't think I can handle being locked up again after what happened. Even to this day, I can still feel the cold blade glide through my arm in jagged movements then the trickle of warm blood that coated the wound. "It will never happen again. She isn't alive and can't hurt me." I whispered to the silence of the room. More likely he went on a run.

The rest of those last moments disappeared in a blur and I found myself deep in the pit of my worst nightmares. She smiled with the blade in her hand again restraining from killing me. If she killed me he would kill her. To him, my pain was like a comedy show. "You can never get away from me. I am the pain." she laughed like a witch. I didn't utter a sound. Not when the blade touched my skin, the fist met my face, or the kick pained my stomach. I would never cry in front of them, but it didn't mean I didn't want to because no matter how tough you are, deep inside you still hold fear.

I didn't fear for her but being away from Daniel. "Once he kills you I will get ahold of your mate, hell I might even become his new mate so you can feel the pain of the mark that will go right here" she tapped the tip of the blade to her neck. That neck that I wanted so badly to strangle.

Then our environment changed, it wasn't me chained and getting beat. No this was far worse. It was my mate with her, MY mate. If it weren't for the fact that I have all the memories of being with him and knowing I bared his mark, nobody would have ever guessed he even knew me. They looked so happy together.

"Daniel! wait!" I found myself shouting at them, "Don't do it NO-"

I fell to the floor in extreme pain in my heart. Having a heart attack must have been less painful than what I was feeling. Spending a week locked up in a basement being cut, punched with weapons, and stabbed constantly then left to heal so they could do it again hurt but it was nothing compared to seeing the man I loved mark another she-wolf. Now that was painful. I screamed and cried at the tearing feeling within me. Why is this happening to me? Why?

"Red?! Red!"

I looked into his eyes and instantly relaxed at his touch. With heaving breaths cried me to back sleep in his arms. This time, it was a dreamless sleep and the anger we had at each other drifted away.


"200 people?" I questioned at the happy woman in front of me. By pack meeting, I figured there would be a pretty big group but not 200 people! There is no way I could survive the night. "Yes, indeed and we only have today to cook more than enough food or everybody". Daniel's mom started reaching for supplies. With the knowledge of how bad a cook I was, my duty was to supply the tables with cartons of drinks and set up sodas. Sure he had a huge pack, but 200 is mind boggling. 'And you have to introduce yourself to them' my wolf voluntarily made this so much worse for me.

'Well I already have five down'

Counting his parents, I've only met the beta Johnny and his mate Bonnie. There was also the pack elder Mari, who was a pretty nice woman. "Where is she I want to meet her!" a squeaky voice half screamed at the doorway. Just by the tone, I was on full alert. A lengthy brunette in a mini skirt and tube top clanked her way to me. "Hi, nice to meet you I'm Lori and I was your mate's old girlfriend" she smiled with her canines elongated, "and I want him back"

I'm about to kick somebodies ass.

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