Chapter 26: Punishment For The Typical Trouble Maker

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   "Red what the hell is going on here?" Conner demanded. He was fuming, but Daniel looked much angrier. "Red I told you to STAY put. What were you thinking? So many bad things could have happened. Worst of all you could have gotten injured."

"Me? Really? Because if it weren't for me being there you would have gotten attacked from behind! Both of you know I can fight just as much as you can." I argued. "May," Conner called through the forest. "She was under my order Conner so don't get mad at her." I defended her. Both men looked confused. "Oh, so you thought you were the only ones with the alpha tone." I raised my eyebrows. They should really know not to underestimate me.

"That isn't what is at fault here Red, you put the whole pack in danger. Those rogues were here for you" Daniel said with irritation in his voice. What does that have to do with the pack? I questioned to myself. "If they get to you they control me Red and it is the same with me. That's why they attack the mates," he answered solemnly. His fist recoiled in anger at the fact of me being caught. "Let's take this back to the house where we can all cool down" Jane suggested.

She of all people knew how I felt about being locked away like a pet. Me and my wolf both agreed we hated when Daniel went all 'Me macho wolfman and me protect my mate'. I heard a snicker from Jared who joined us and walked along side me. 'You were thinking out loud again Red.' he laughed through the link. Damn, I really need to control that.

Conner stomped into the house leaving us on the porch. 'We will go talk to him Red' Jenny and Jane sighed. One down, now all I have is an angry alpha left. 'I'll work on Mr. Macho over here' I snorted back through the private link. Simultaneously the rest of my siblings disappeared into the multiple entrances to the house. After an awkward silence, I spoke, "Daniel, I really am sorry, but I couldn't just sit there and do nothing"

I gasped when he embraced me. "Red, you just don't have a clue how worried I was when you called my name. I thought they got to you." he rested his chin on head. "Red there would be no stopping me if they ever laid a finger on you."

I hugged him tighter for reassurance. Though when the door opened I stepped away to see Conner. Daniels' hands wrapped around my waist pulling me back into his chest with a chuckle. "Don't smile yet missy, you are still in huge trouble. There is a weeks worth of Geometry homework waiting for you. That is for running away....and training" he scoffed, "Your aim is a little rusty sis"

"What?! My aim. I took out that rouge with a clean cut." I rolled my eyes in a teasing way. "Come on why don't we get some food to eat inside." Jenny lead us into the house. Food. Exactly what I need to calm my nerves with this geometry homework. Stacks of sandwiches lined our island with many different assortments of meats and cheese. I grabbed a pastrami sandwich with a few handfuls of Hot Cheetos. "Dang Jenny, how did you make all of this food so fast?" Jared racked the multiple sandwiches.

"Geeze, We are gone for a few days and you automatically forget us?" Aunt Ruby said while popping open a bag of Fritos. " I didn't forget about you. How could you forget about our awesome aunt Jared." I said sweetly "Who else can make bomb sandwiches"

My aunt laughed and went over to my uncle, who had just made an appearance in the kitchen. "It's really nice to have you guys here" Jane nibbled on her sandwich. Just like old times. "Yes it is, we haven't seen your goobers in forever. I really missed this place, and the mountains." my uncle said.

"Great! Mom you and dad could travel around and see the best of Oregon. A few days isn't enough" Mel added. She can really be convincing. 'So that explains why Mel was still here' my wolf thought randomly. I sipped some apple juice in silence. What was I thinking when I tried to leave? 'I'm just glad your cousin found us when she did'. 'So am I' Daniel smiled next to me.

With a burning red face, I finished up my Cheetos and went up to my room to work on my punishment.

This is torture. Useless. I glared at the huge pile of homework on my desk. "Maybe training will help relieve this stress." I sighed, and it is part of my "punishment". 'Killing two birds with one stone'.

I watched as the arrow smacked the target with a bang. Another bull's-eye. "Sure.. my aim is rusty" I mocked. "Need some help?" Mel tossed a disc in the air that was shot down. "This is getting boring" I clicked my bow back and put it in my belt. "That is because you are doing the wrong training" Conner tossed me the arrow from the target.

"What wrong training? I've already trained for everything. Haven't I ?" I eyed my brother who gave me an are-you-serious-look. "Today you will learn how to fight in wolf form against an opponent"

"Who is my opponent?" I asked.

"Me" Daniel smirked.

He circled me with his signature smirk. Muscle and all. Concentrate Red, I commanded myself, but my eyes did a double take on his very sexy bare chest. Two can play at that game Mr. Alpha. "Here can you take this, I'm getting a little hot" I handed Mel my baggy t-shirt leaving me with my white tank top. He growled and shifted. Doing the same, I stood there and watched Daniel.

'Hm. Two opponents with one winner' I didn't take my eyes off of him. He made the first move by nipping at paws. My wolf was itching to get out and I wasn't going to stop her. We slipped to his right side and knocked him over. Somehow in the fight, he landed on top. 'Who did you say the winner was?' he said cockily.

One thing I know for sure is that we both don't like to lose. Our playful fight went on the same way. Every time he had the upper point I didn't submit and tried to attack again. Fighting in my wolf form isn't that hard to do.

Along the sidelines, my brothers sat on lawn chairs with buckets of popcorn. These buttheads are eating popcorn and watching me like I'm their entertainment! 'Worry about them later, focus on Daniel' my wolf commanded. I got knocked over and he stood over me. 'You could always be my entertainment' I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. 'Forget it. I've got my eye on another guy' I turned the fight to my advantage as I rolled from underneath him. 'Red' he growled possessively.

Sadly I rolled down the steep drop and to make it worse Daniel came with me. In the forest, we tumbled down the hill, kind of like Simba and Nala did in the Lion King, but the genders were switched. He was too strong. 'I submit' I sighed as he was on top again with that cocky grin. "I guess there was only one winner" he shifted back. "Put on a shirt," I grumbled and kept my gaze to the floor. He didn't even have any damage done. Other than the fact we both were covered in dirt and grass stains. 'Or maybe you are denying how sexy that was' my wolf snickered. 

"I would, but by the mood you're giving off I would say you want the opposite"

"Just put on a shirt" I resigned then retorted, "You aren't Zac Effron"

I ran up the hill before he could make a move on me. Once I got up there I stalked up behind Jared and tapped his shoulder. Quickly I grabbed his bucket of popcorn and munched on it. "Why don't you two go get ready, dinner will be ready in a few" Jane called from the porch. All of us dispersed to do our own things before dinner would be ready.

I grabbed some clothes and ran for the comfort of the warm water. I let the water relax my tensed muscles. After the shower, I went downstairs and ate a wonderful dinner cooked by my sisters.

When everything was cleaned I went back to my room and threw myself on my bed. My bed that's arms wrapped around me. Out of shock, I fell to the floor. "There is a guest bedroom you know"

"It's taken"

"My brother's room"

"Taken and that'd just be weird"

Okay, that would be weird.

"The couch"

"Again it is taken" he shrugged with a grin.

"How about the floor," I said nonchalantly.

In the end, I just slept on the bed with him. The comfort of his arms sent me into a blissful sleep. Sadly, it didn't stay that way for long...

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