Chapter 20: Team Work Can Go A Long Way

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Fear. Worry. Anger. Shock. Those were all the feelings felt in the drive back home. Everybody went silent with mixed emotions. It's all my fault. If I would have never left, then we would have been prepared and ready to hunt them down. 'Don't say that, It wasn't your fault Red' Daniel's voice echoed in my head. I almost forgot about the bond. I looked out of the window counting every second.

We got attacked. When Conner said the news everybody paused. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. I still had so many questions to ask. Did anybody get hurt? Another wave of worry washed over me. I pressed my forehead against the cold glass of the window and let the passing trees wisp me away into a peaceful world without rogues or also known as my dreams. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke up to see Jared slapping my face.

"Come on Red get your lazy butt up already." I swatted his hand away from my face and sat up groggily. We parked in front of Daniel's house. "What happened?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. Immediately the massive front door opened and a guy walked out to greet us. He must be the beta because I can feel a high level of power. He filled in Daniel and Conner on what happened during the attack. Something smelt weird, though. I may not have photographic smelling, but it just didn't feel right in any way. It felt as if we were being watched.

I looked around towards the forest. I went closer to the trees and followed that strange scent to a huge tree. Pinned against it was a note. Oh please don't let Slenderman come from behind me, I prayed silently. Oh, I've read some of those creepypastas, and they scared the crap out of me to the point that I will never go to sleep. Get it, never go to sleep, Jeff The Killer, anyways I went closer to the note.

You have what we want, and we will take it. Bring the child prodigy by midnight on the next full moon or the consequence will be severe.

You have been warned.

What could we have that they possibly want? Do they mean me when they say child prodigy? Suddenly something small zipped close to my face

A dart that smelled like it was dosed with some drug was deep into the tree. "Daniel! Conner!" I yelled. They rushed to my side quickly. "Are you alright Red?!" Daniel was by my side holding me. "What does this mean?" I asked and handed him the note. His eyes color changed from the deep blue to black with anger.

Without saying a word, he handed the note to Conner who read it. A low growl emitted from him. "Let's get you inside," Daniel said and dragged me to the house. "What?". When we got inside, he sat at the dining table my siblings and a few others from his pack sat along next to him. "I think we need to call in for a council meeting by tomorrow. If it is a war they want it will be a war they are going to get," he said through the silence. Murmurs rounded from everybody in agreement. "Meeting dismissed. All of the other members disbursed from the table just leaving us.

"Ok, will someone tell me what is going on? What was the heck that notes about? And more importantly, is everybody alright?" I asked. "It's you that they want Red, don't you get it?" Daniel said angered. He was still pissed off about the note. "Ok, that explains so much. I mean what is all that great about me that a group of rogues wants me it makes no sense once so ever" I retorted. Maybe they want me because I'm Daniel's mate. If they can get to me, then they can get to him meaning in the long run that they will get his pack, which is one of the largest one in the United States.

Realization hit me, and I gasped. "What are we going to do about this?" I demanded. "I'll be damned if they get ahold of you Red. They declared war, and we are going fight back," he replied. "Count us in," Jared said with a nod. "Can we get the other packs to help out too?". "That's what a council meeting is for," Daniel said sarcastically. Geeze Mr. Grumpy. "Well, I guess that means time to go home" May sighed and walked out of the door. She paused and looked back, "Bye Red see you tomorrow" she gave a wink, "- and don't stay up too late."

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