Chapter 27: Reoccuring Past

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  "You'll be fine, just out there and be yourself" My dad patted me on the back reassuringly. "Up next, we have quite a talented violinist. Please welcome Rose Bolton on the stage". The clicking of heels droned over the sound of clapping and the satin red curtains opened.

With my violin in hand, I proceeded to the center. The lights of the stage blinded me enough to the point all that mattered was the sound vibrating from my violin. My soft melody ruled over the silence of the crowd and when I finished everybody erupted in cheers.

I waited the rest of the time backstage waiting for the finale performance to end. "And the winner is....Rose Bolton" The announcer announced and the crowd burst with cheer and whoops. In the crowd, I saw my mom jumping with excitement. Next to her my father looked up at me proudly. To see their faces so proud made me happy.

"Red we are so proud of you" My mom smiled, "I'm so proud to have wonderful kids". She took hold of my left hand and my dad took the right hand. "Are you tired little one?" Dad asked. He scooped me up and carried me. "Don't fall asleep yet honey, it's barely four and we still have to go to your sisters martial arts championship." Mom reminded.

"And we have the boys dance performance" Dad noted. Something went off and he halted. Both of my parents froze, just staring at the forest line. Where my school auditorium was the forest cut close from behind the back and near the parking lot. A dark growl was emitted from my dad.

"Come here Red" My mom pulled me closer to her when a man stepped out from the forest. His ginger red hair seemed familiar but it was those blood red eye I can never forget. It was those eyes that tormented my dreams. "What are you doing here Scott" my dad eyed the man. He smiled and pulled out a glint of silver and the gunshot went off. While grasping the bullet wound in his stomach, my dad yelled at my mom, but it faded into darkness.

My mom was no longer holding me in place and my dad had faded away. It was just me and the man with the gun. At least, I thought it was the man, but he looked different. No, What is happening?!

It wasn't the man I shot five times, the one who killed my parents, or the one who started the stupid war because he was deranged. This time, it was his son holding the gun. And I was the one collapsing to my knees with the bullet wound.

"Red!" Daniel's voice brought me back from my nightmare. I was tucked into his chest and trembling with fear. I wasn't afraid of getting shot, but the other person who laid lifelessly next to me in the nightmare. My mate. "It's alright Red, it was only a nightmare"

He held me in his arms and soothed away the fear. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly. 'I can't. It's too hard....Daniel.' I responded through the link. 'I don't think the rogues are alone on the attacks. It has to be the BloodRed Pack, their alpha, even at the house. That's why it smelt so weird. Not just because there was a vampire, but his pack members were there as backup'

He tensed up and nodded, "I remember now. I'll call a meeting at our house. Red they aren't going to get away with this". In a hurry, he got out of bed and stormed through the room.

Samuel knew what he was doing when he attacked me, and it wasn't just from the mate bond he had from the vampire. 'If she was here doesn't that mean there are more of them'. "Shit" I bounced from the bed and ran for the first person I could find downstairs.

The flat screen in the living room was turned on to the news. "There has been multiple attacks in the forest. Recently, a young boy was found with bite wounds and scratches deep within the trails. According to the police, many of these attacks have been made by large packs of wolves roaming our small towns closest to the forest." The news reported stopped and touched the Bluetooth to her ears, "I have jus gotten news of the attacks in the western cities. A woman was brutally murdered last night. What was left of her body was found in the local supermarket. Police have yet to uncover the culprit, but theories lead to the packs of wolves that have been attacking the towns. All forces recommend staying inside at night and getting inside before sunset."

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