Chapter 7: Bounty Hunters

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 "So we all know there is a bounty on someone or something, but can you please tell us better details, so we know what we are up against," I said when everybody filled the room. Yesterday Conner told us we were going on a bounty hunt, but that was all he said. "Exactly why you are here. First of the person is more of a werewolf. The name is Sandra Kelling, the Eastern Pack alpha's daughter, ran away for some unknown reason and he wants to bring her back make sure she is safe."

He pulled out a photo of the girl. She was close to my age with golden locks and warm brown eyes. Now everybody circled Conner and the picture. Since she has alpha blood, she could have gone farther than the average wolf, that explains why he needed our help to track her down. "Our mission today is to find Sandra and bring her back.Jenny and I will take the eastern side, the twins take the west, Jane and Red cover the south, and May covers the north. Understood?"

"What if she doesn't want to be found?" I asked him. Everybody looked at me as if I grew an extra head. "Red we have ordered and it has good pay. Trust me we will question her before letting her go back." he assured. Is this how he will be when I leave? Will he send all the hunters to hunt me down and find me even if I don't want to be found? 'He is the least of your worries; you should be more worried about the alpha.' a part of me remembered the deal I made.

If by some unknown reason the crazy alpha is right, then he will hunt me down. Great. Now I have an overprotective brother willing to send the whole armada of werewolf hunters after me and a crazy alpha hunting me down. I took my seat in the back and waited for liftoff. I strapped on my gloves and belt. Everything I needed was into position. All we were waiting for was Conner to drop us off at the midpoint.

When we go on a hunt it always starts the same we park at a midpoint then go our separate ways on foot until we find something. Conner stopped in a clearing where the road separates. "Come on Red, the sooner we find her the better" Jane dragged me with her towards the south. Quietly we walked through the forest looking for any clues of a giant wolf.


"Got anything?" I whispered. Jane looked so intense when she was looking at the ground. She motioned me to come over with her gun, "See the paw print." Where she was kneeling was a paw print that was too large for the average wolf. It still looked fresh considering the dirt was still soft. "The scent goes this way." she nodded and moved on.

I followed her silently. How can she smell a scent? Remember, they are werewolves themselves, my mind argued. Oh right. Forgetting the differences about my family is hard. I did want to forget that I saw my brother's wolf form because it just brings me back to my reality. Hunting is something I was born into. I know the ups, downs, and tricks about fighting werewolves, but I don't have a clue on what to do about being a werewolf. Ironic isn't it.

If I am one of them how am I supposed to change? Do you think about being a wolf or something?

I slammed into Jane's back. "Careful will tell ya'" she hissed. Even with the distraction she still looked ahead. A berry bush ahead of us grumbled. Can bushes grumble? I clicked my staff into the bow mode and pulled out a few arrows from the inside cautiously. "Please come out we mean you no harm," Jane said calmly coaxing the wolf.

A golden wolf came out slowly. I could tell it was Sandra because she had the same chocolate-colored eyes as the girl in the photo. I lowered my bow and slowly went to the wolf. "Hi, I'm Red. We are here to help you. It would be a lot easier if you shifted for us. Will you please?" I asked quietly, trying my best not to frighten her.

The wolf whimpered, and slowly the body shifted. Her snout shortened and her body grew smaller. The girl in front of me was indeed Sandra. She looked different, though. In the picture, I saw a strong-willed girl, but that was a completely different person from the trembling girl standing in front of me. She stood up straitening the sleeves on her shirt, "Please I just needed a break. It was just too much for me to handle" she begged.

Tears slipped past her eyes and dripped on the floor. Jane shifted from foot to foot nervously. She isn't the real emotional type, but that's why I was here. "Shhh. Calm down. We came here to help. Will you come with us so you can meet the rest of us?". She nodded and took a few steps toward me.

"So, Can you tell us anything about yourself," Jane asked awkwardly. Wow, she sucks at conversations that aren't about One Direction. "What's your favorite color?" I asked her. Her answer was so quiet I didn't know if I heard right, "Pink" she whispered. Jane brightened up instantly, and the tension seemed to lessen. The conversation grew into a squealing girl felt when Sandra mentioned One Direction. They have a lot in common after all.

Sandra was a lot like Jane. They both loved the color pink, One Direction, and they had the whole fashionista vibe. "Sandra, can I ask you why you ran?" I asked. She looked at the ground observing the plants. "The Beta's daughter. She hated me with a passion, and I don't know what I did to deserve so much hate. She convinced everybody that I was fake so that they would bully me. And they listened. My dad didn't even believe me when I told him. He thought I was lying."

Just then I did something that I wouldn't have typically done for a person I just met, but I hugged her. "Don't ever listen to them. You are such a nice person and deserve better" I said strongly. There is nothing more in this world that I hate with a passion other than bullying. If I saw that girl now, I would give her a serious bitch slap and use my ninja skills to kick her sorry a**. Sandra laughed and looked at me. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"No. You..... bitch slap.. and ninja skills," she said in between laughing. "You were thinking out loud again Red" Jane chuckled. She stopped laughing when we came to the clearing. The twins stood leaning on the SUV casually. That was until Jessie ran up to Sandra growling. He grabbed her into a hug and said one word -


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