Chapter 17: A Deal Is A Deal

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Time for revenge. When Mel ate my cupcake -my sweet little cupcake- that didn't deserve to get consumed by the likes of her, I promised myself revenge would be taken. I shuffled around the kitchen with the ingredients necessary for vengeance.

First, I will pour chocolate syrup on the floor so it is slippery and when she falls she will grab the first thing in front of her, rope. That rope will be connected to a bucket of cake batter. Without realizing she brought doom upon herself, she will then run to the bathroom. So again I attached a bucket full of liquid icing, that way when she opened the door she will get iced. (Like the cold-hearted cupcake stealing cousin she is. Mel will be so pissed she will even forget about cleaning up, she will come to me. For the finale, I will sprinkle some sprinkles and add the candle. Maybe after this, she will remember not to touch my cupcakes. I grinned as I tiptoed into her room. This is going to be fun.

"Red!" Mel screamed. I sat in the kitchen slowly taking bites from my fluffy pancakes topped with whipped cream and smothered in syrup. "What did she do this time" Uncle Tommy asked. I shrugged, "Ate my cupcake." He nodded his head with a chuckle. "Hey, Aaron can you help me," I asked sweetly. With one eyebrow raised, he cautiously came to me. I counted three steps backward and plotted him in a corner. He will be the cameraman. If this goes as planned, then he will get snapshots from the perfect angle.

Five. Four. Three. Two. One... "Red!" she screeched. She was quite the sight. Vanilla cupcake batter coated her from head to toe, and chocolate icing was smeared all over her hair. "Hey, cuz'," I smiled. From my back, I pulled out the sprinkles and tossed them on her head and for a final touch, I stuck the candle on her head. Photos were captured, and we all held our stomachs from the pain of laughter.

"Melinda" I mocked with the same tone. Her brothers did a double take and dropped to the floor clutching their stomachs. She huffed off giving everybody an evil glare. Lessoned learned. Next time she will reconsider eating my cupcake. Even though I lost two batches of batter, three tubes of frosting, and the handful of sprinkles in the processes. Many ingredients worth the loss.

Leaving the boys and my uncle to calm their laughing I decided to take a stroll outside. It's been a while since I let my wolf out for a run, so why not do it now in the dense forest here in Rowan. In all, it was terrific. When I ventured further into the forest from the plain view, I felt my body expand and a snout growing. Now I get why they shift more often. Unlike my first shift that felt like hell, this shift felt like a good stretch after sitting on a plane for hours.

Trees blurred past me as I trudged through the dense forest. It was amazing. I felt the wind sweep across my fur and leaves bustled past me. This is the life. When my lungs burned, and my feet could no longer carry me I made my way back to a creek I passed earlier.

When I first shifted, I didn't pay much attention to my fur or how I looked. At the time my mind had other worries, but now that I saw the reflection I was astonished. In the pond, a white wolf looked back at me with fierce hazel eyes brimmed with a bright blue. My fur was soft to the touch and had a silver tint if you looked carefully. I returned my gaze to the pond because it would look bizarre to see a wolf staring at her paws. And when did I ever have blue in my eyes? That's strange, must be a wolf thing. I glanced back at the reflection one last time and leaned in to take a sip.

It wasn't until I looked back up to see someone behind me. That someone being my mate. To also add he seemed fine when he was mad.

"Shift" his voice sent shivers down my spine in both the right ways. Wait how did he even find me? Never mind that it's time to go. Using my super werewolf speed to run my happy tail to Mel's house even though every ounce of my body wanted to run into his arms, those muscular arms of goodness. Shut up! I snapped to myself. I blame the hormones making me think of many things we could.

I shifted midway in a jump. I have to thank Mel's for letting me borrow her running shoes because they were quite useful. I ran up to the door and locked it behind me. What? Safety first. "MELLLLLLLLLLLL" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran to her room to find her dancing to dubstep. "MEL. MEL. MEL. MEL, he is here you need to hide me please". "What?!?" she slipped on her neon fuzzy carpet and landed with a thud on the hardwood floor. This is just wasting time. She popped back quickly and grabbed my hand.

I was surprised when she pulled up the rug to see a small hidden door leading down to some stairways. I'm not kidding either; this was like serious doomsday backup plan stuff right here. I need to look into getting this in my room. "Hurry up" she shoved me down the stairs and into the small room. The walls were stacked with canned food, first aid kits, multiple gallons of water, and.. a gas mask?

"Whoa, wait a minute are those my shoes!?" Mel questioned with a pointed look at my feet. All I did was borrow them. Without asking. Hehe. "You can have them back, I'm sorry, just keep quiet" I hushed her, "And what is with the gas mask?". She grinned, "Zombie Apocalypse." Going to get this in my room. The room was quiet, and then I heard it. The door opening and the footsteps. I waited there, my heart drumming against my chest, and my mind exploded when I listened to the beginning of Thriller by Michael Jackson.

"So not funny" I jabbed her in the stomach. I thought he was here. 'Why' my wolf said faintly, 'Our mate wants us so why do you object?'. I ignored the whimpers she sent to me mentally. "Why don't you want to be with him?" Mel asked quietly. She looked at me then focused her attention back to her iPod.

"To be honest, I have never had any contact with a boy or any experience with them." Living with a brother that will punch a guy for glancing at me made it hard ever to have a crush or even think about dating. If it weren't for the whole mate thing, I would probably die a loner. Even with our '"bond" I still don't know anything about being romantic. If only my life were like one of those werewolf books on Wattpad. Wait. I change my mind; I don't need the drama.

There weren't many entertaining books at my aunt's house, so I took it into my own hands to find something readable. What I found was worth reading. Anyways before I stray off any further, I know for a fact with one week of being with him I will be kicked out due to extreme craziness. Wait who said I was ever going to live with him? What if he forces me to live with him or even worse kiss me! I don't even know how to kiss., but I'm sure it will be worth it with his lips on - Why am I even thinking about this?

Everything seems like a horrible chick flick where the girl is too stupid to admit her love and watches him flutter off into the distance with some other Barbie who looked like every color in a Crayola box banged her face. Somewhat similar to a clown. Eww never mind erasing that thought from my mind. Somehow the idea of him being with another person angered me. It was like I was meant for him and vise verse.

The sound of Angry Birds launching in the air snapped me out of my thoughts. Mel laid on the floor with her feet high in the air against the wall. Her neon socks practically blinded me, but this whole time I thought she was concerned about me. (Just for that, I will keep her shoes without returning them, and I want my money back). "Were you even listening?" I mumbled. Her feet scrunched up, and she rolled over. "Yeah. Yeah, You know you only make it that complicated. And the whole Watt- ever it is story life thingy is just part of your dreams, Chickie... If there is ever a man as sexy as they describe, he'd be mine" she cooed at the end. Was I thinking out loud again? I need to learn how to fix that.

"Ha. Ha... right well sorry to burst your crappy little bubble my dear cousin, but he is as sexy as described," I laughed sarcastically. She shrugged, "Do you think they are gone because I am going to die about right now." How long has it been anyways? I nodded and unlatched the door. We climbed up back into Mel's childlike bedroom. For an adult, she sure has a lack of color sense. I smiled from ear to ear. Why? You may ask... I outsmarted an alpha. Ha, take that!


At least, I thought I did.

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