Chapter 23: The Nightmare Begins

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  She's back. Quickly I ran to a tree that was hollowed out that we passed when trying to dispose of the rouge. "Shhh, stay here okay. I will be right back, just don't move and stay silent." I whispered. I remember considering it a good spot for May if there was ever a sniper moment and she needed a hiding spot. They slid into the deepest part of the tree and were engulfed in darkness. I ran to the other direction following the scent.

How could they just disappear and reappear out of nowhere? I pulled out my staff when I caught a glimpse of red in the shadows. "No more hiding. Why don't you fight me head on!" I yelled in the woods. "Or are you too much of a coward to fight me. Are you scared? Ha! even the rogues have more balls than you do!". When dealing with people all my life I have come to the conclusion that it works best when you aggravate them because they always want to prove you wrong.

A jealous screech echoed from the darkness as she descended on me. Blood covered her face and her wounds still bled a purplish color. If her blood is purple that means...she ate somebody. I felt the bile rise with the smell of the blood that covered her. She is truly a nightmare. 'A nightmare that has gotten stronger' my wolf noted, 'This will be one tough cracker'

No kidding. I kicked her in the shin and rolled from underneath her. She swung at the face but missed multiple times after I dodged them. She is a whole lot faster than before. Matching that speed I countered one of her hit with a punch to the face. he fell over on the floor with blood squirting out of her nose. "You bitch! I will have fun eating your organs" she stumbled then got back up, "And I am sure your little mate wouldn't mind the show either. He might just thank me after all, you have only caused him nothing but pain."

That....That... I don't know if there is a word in the world that could describe my hate for her. I puled back and threw another punch. This time, there was bone crunching from the impact. "Maybe I can eve snag him for myself" she laughed evilly. 'I am going to KILL her!' my wolf snarled.

I made another lunge at her with my dagger. It was so close. Just a finger away and I would have had her, but something rammed me to the side. The familiar scent hit me like a brick. It was the wolf who disappeared with her. 'They're mates' my wolf hissed. Damn, could this get any worse? "Get off of her Samuel she is my kill! Mate or not I will be the one to kill her!" she screeched and thumped him on the head. Samuel.... No, not the Red Blood's beta? I took another look at the raging dude in front of me and I recognized his face.

Although I've only seen him a few times in my life, he is hard to forget. How can you forget the person who hates you? I was to shocked to say anything. What is he doing here? "No, this slut tried almost killed you! If I let you kill her we will both be in deep crap!" he snapped at her, then pulled out a blade. "That doesn't mean she can't be cut" she finished for him with a smile and grabbed the knife. "What are you doing Samuel!? Why are you betraying your pack!"

The tip of the knife slashed close o my face. "Shut up! I want to enjoy the look on your face when you spill blood" she smiled with blood covering her teeth. The tip of the blade caressed my cheek slowly. 'She is taunting us' my wolf growled. She started by my ear, "What a pretty little smile you have. Hm, why don't we fix that" The blade dig in close to my lips? A shadow flashed by and Samuel was on the ground with an all familiar black wolf on top.

I took the moment and stabbed my dagger into her arm. She snarled and grabbed my wrist, blocking my other attack. She had me pinned to the tree with a tight grip on both of my hands. My dagger's blade was pointed to her face. 'She is too strong to use force right now. Use tactics' my wolf ordered. How do I attack her without using my hands? "Oh look. Your little mate is here to watch me rip out your guts". She needs to go.

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