Chapter 14: Let The Search Begin

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   Daniel's POV

"Daniel we have a problem," Conner said. They all looked worried and exhausted. He handed me a letter. 'I told you she would run' my wolf said. At this moment, both of us were equally pissed off, but I had to keep my temper down for everybody's sake. "We searched for every single security system and checked every airport within a hundred mile radius and only found one clue." He said. "What did you find?" I asked. Every detail is worth it. "Around 12:10 to 1:10 p.m all security cameras in the Rose Wood Airport were shut down" One of the twins reported.

'Alright, I want half of all the pack warriors here now ready for a search.' I commanded through the pack link. My beta, Johnny, helped sort out the search party while I went with her siblings to check for more hints to where she ran off to.

"Was this all that she left?" I asked. Her room was still full and seemed untouched. Her brothers informed me that she had purchased tickets to Mexico and took the bare necessities. From the information, I got she booked a flight over the border and hacked into her brother's systems. Something doesn't seem right, though.

Red grew up with hunters, so she knows all of the pros and cons of their tactics. Something tells me she isn't anywhere near Mexico. This has to be a decoy. 'Everything is prepared' Johnny said through the link. "My pack is ready," I said to Conner with a slight nod. Oh, little Red I hope you know what you're doing because the big bad wolf is coming for you and when he has you he will never let you go.

Let the search begin.

Red's POV

I stopped in my tracks when she said my name. It was silent for a few milliseconds then I turned slyly with an I-want-to-get-out-of-trouble smile, "Hey cuz' fancy seeing you here." She looked at me then squealed. "What are you doing here? How long have you been in town? Are you going to stay long? How are your brothers and sisters?" she said rushed. Isn't she here to tie me up and drag me back home against my will? "Hi," I squeaked.

"OhMehgosh, look at you! You've grown so much," she smiled. I wasn't the only one. I took a look at her. Like I said before, werewolves aren't the only creatures out there, but that doesn't mean fairies are real. Believe me, if they were our world would be in chaos, but on the right note, we won't have to worry about global warming. Anyways back to my cousin, she hunts vampires.

Don't get yourself ahead of anything they aren't like twilight that sparkle in the sunlight or have "special powers'. That takes it way too far. Vampires are far worse. They don't merely bite your neck to drink your blood they eat you from the inside out. Makes the folktales seem soft when you compare it to reality doesn't it? They can be a danger to the human society - which is the reason we are hunters. We are here to protect the humans in this world full of danger. My cousin, Melinda, is an entirely trained vampire slayer, but she isn't one herself. Well, I wasn't expecting to be a werewolf so it could be possible, though.

She didn't smell weird like I heard regular vampires did and still had the same hazel eyes and ginger/red colored hair. Today she had a simple purple shirt with white jeans, silver flats, black-rimmed glasses, and had her hair pulled into a French braid. She is still the Mel I used to know, no matter how old she is considering that she is four years older than me, but didn't look a day over nineteen.

When we were kids, she used to live closer to us, but they had to move away. I wish I would've known that they moved here. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Well, just trying to get on my feet," I said leaving out the part that I'm on the run. "Ohh you have to spend the night or even better come live with me at my new house" she jumped around. I didn't have a choice once she grabbed my hand and dragged me in the other direction. That's just the way she is.

After she stuffed me, my luggage, and my violin case in her car she skidded through the town. The whole time she babbled on about any recent events that I missed out on. Two years is a long time. Talking to her brings back memories of my childhood when we would run in the woods playing hunt the hunter. It never really came to mind that one day we would hunt these things in real life.

In this day in age maybe hunter isn't the best way to describe what we do, technically we don't hunt the wolf unless they are on the run. Before we chased any animal, who harmed a human in any way which brought much tension between us grew. Now things have changed, and we live amongst each other without breaking out into war. Conner was the one to change everything with the deal that made between the three significant packs in Oregon and us hunters.

By the time we got to her house, I was smashed into a tight hug. "Look who stopped by our Little Pinkie." My Aunt Ruby twirled me around like a little girl. When she let go the world around spun. "You know mom she is getting too old to be called pinkie. I think we should call her by her name now" Mel laughed. When we were all kids, she gave us all nicknames. I was Pinkie or Pinkie pie, Jane was Sunny Day, and May was CrayCray. The twins named themselves the Ultimate Prank Lords and Conner were called the Lone Ranger because of his love for the classic Lone Ranger.

Every nickname had a meaning to it. Mine had partially to do with my name being a color, but the other half was because when I was little, I attempted to get Jane's paint so I could color my hair. It was a few weeks after Halloween, and he had painted her hair pink that magically washed out the next day. So I figured it wouldn't hurt to try and style my hair just like she did. Hey, I was a kid, and we sometimes don't re-think our ideas, and they never end up pretty. Let's say I looked like a pink smurf for a whole week after that incident.

"She will always be our Pinkie Pie" Aunt Ruby pouted like a little kid. Sometimes it is hard to remember who is the child and who is the adult. "Okay. Okay, but she needs some rest it's past midnight." Mel sighed. She was right my feet hurt, my hands were sore, and I was emotionally exhausted. I never knew trying to live on your own was seriously hard. Melinda had disappeared somewhere within the house leaving me with my aunt. "You can take the guest room to the right alright. We'll see you tomorrow get some rest hun" she smiled and walked off into the hallway.

Without wasting any time I placed my stuff in the room and took a quick shower. Then I drifted into a darkness.

Then a husky voice growled, Oh little Red I hope you know what you are doing because the big bad wolf is coming for you and when he has you he will never let you go.

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