Chapter 33: The Night Shade Pack

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 People scattered all over the place and 200 was an understatement. Everybody cheered and whooped as I stepped inward to the podium. Playing my violin to a crowd of people was nothing to me, but just making a speech to the people I will lead is so much worse. As a child, I was never really that shy and loved being social, yet something about doing this has me wishing I could crawl under a rock and hide. What if I embarrass myself?

I tapped the microphone to see if it worked and it was loud enough. Great if I make a mistake on a word everybody will hear. You can do this Red. With shaking hands, I pulled out the cards. "Hi, I'm Red and..." I can't do this. "You all may not know me by looks, but I'm sure you've heard me around. " By now I'd already tossed the cards. They were only going to make this worse for me, so I just thought about things from the truth of how I feel. "Fate paired me with your alpha, to lead with him for the best of the pack and family. As I stand here, I've learned that true happiness is being with those you love and care for. And there is nothing more in the world that I want to do than spend it here with the pack and my mate."

"To the Nightshades!" they chanted.

"You did great" Daniel held on to me, moving toward the crowd. Now that they all met me I want to meet them and 200 is a long way to go. It didn't take as long as I thought and went by pretty fast being that most of what med the large amounts were families with children. After meeting everybody the food was brought out and was calling to my stomach. I piled on foods made by many of the women in the pack including Rosa and the juice came out pretty well. If there is one thing I can do without destruction in the kitchen is make lemonade.  After gathering the foods to my desire I sat next to Daniel in the front of the table. The way they were lined up made sets of long tables holding 30 to each side.


Everybody was more relaxed after the meal and a game of football broke out. So like the natural football lover I am I jumped in on the action. Well, I would have if Daniel didn't go all protective mode. "What's up?" Mary asked, popping some cake in her mouth. "Got kicked out of the football game" I grumbled. "He just doesn't want you to get hurt that's all, it may take a while for him to get used to all this" she jumbled her hands in circular motions. "You're right" I sighed. I just hope it ends soon because this gets annoying. I grew up with three brothers and spent most of my time outdoors so football is not a problem for me.

I spent most of my time watching in envy at the football game with Daniel vs. his older brother. There was even a point where I was screaming and cheering like a maniac. His maniac of a cheerleader. There was even one time in the game where he winked and had me blushing like a school girl. Of course, Mary couldn't let that funny moment go.

Everything was perfect. The food, the pack, the games, even the mood was just calm and peaceful. I also learned a few more things about my mate beside the fact that he was a pro with the ladies, but he was amazing at football and great with kids. It was a sight to see this huge guy who would look really stern joke around. His black hair and toned muscles may have attributed to the bad boy look, but he also had a fun side when his nephew joined in on the game with their tiny little plush football.

At the end of the day, the moon came out was when things got serious. "Now is where the traditions come in" Maggie informed. She gave me details on what was going to happen so I wouldn't be that out of place. How much more could I stand out besides being the only white wolf amongst a pack of black ones? Seriously, there was no other wolf that wasn't a black or dark brown color. Since it is a full moon tonight Daniel and I will lead the hunt, but first, I will have to do the winter ceremony.

I stood at the altar near the pit. A fire burned in the center warming its surroundings. 'all that is left is the link to the pack and our hunt' Daniel said confidently with ease. Maggie chanted in an unfamiliar language, then mixed the shining liquid with a ladle. The bright blue reflection of the moon held a strong pull and felt as if I was entranced with wanting to drink it.

She then placed it in a cup and motioned me to drink. It tasted as good as it looked, almost like a strawberry milkshake but in a thinner, more silvery colored juice. As soon as the last drop of the drink a burst of voices collided in my head. I could hear each and every voice congratulating me on passing the day as their first luna. 'Congrats Red' Mary's voice stuck out from the rest. This will definitely be something I have to get used to. With a command from Daniel, the voices grew less constant as they waited for the next thing on the list. The hunt.

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