Chapter 8: Check Mate

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 "What is going on?" I half whispered half yelled to Jane. Was I the only one lost in this whole lovey-dovey moment? "He found his mate," she said in a duh tone. "For the love of sugar rush, it was all real!" I screeched. Are we werewolves? Jessie had Sandra in a death grip, and he looked serious. Within a minute, they went from hugging to a whole make-out session. "Whoa. Hey, keep it PG!" Jane said covering her eyes. Wow how late can she be, I already covered my eyes when he started to stare at her lips.

"Ok lovebirds break it up," Conner commanded. They snapped out of their daze in shock. Sandra turned a deep cherry red and looked down. "Aww. Sandra and Jess, the cutest couple in the world." Jared teased. "So are we done here?" I asked them looking at the couple in front of me with a teasing glare. Oh, you will not hear the last of me, Jessie. "Yeah let's head back to the hotel and you two'," he said pointing at Sandra and Jessie, "I'll have a separate room for you far away. We'll let the neighbors deal with you when you keep them up all night".

"Conner what about the bounty?" I asked through the private link in the earpiece. "It will be the same as normal, but we will give her the option to stay with us." At least, the both of them could live together happily. Seeing thing happening with 'mates' makes me wonder if he is my mate. There are so many questions I have, with little answers on what to do. Now isn't the time to worry about that since you only have twelve days left with the family, my mind argued.

The ride back to the hotel was pretty quiet which was a plus. I was able to think of a few ways to tell them about the deal I made. As soon as Jane opened the door, I ran to the shower. It seemed like every day has gone in a rush and I haven't had time to take it in. The warm water relaxed my sore muscles from all the running.

After the shower, I plopped myself on the plush bed. I will miss this bed. It felt like laying on clouds and can make you sleep like a baby. Slowly I started to drift off until the door burst open. "Get up we got a large group of rouges out there!" Jane commanded. You have got to be kidding me. When I see those stupid mother F*****$, they will pay severely! To the best of my ability, I threw on my clothes and grabbed five-hour energy on the way out. Everybody was in a deadly mood.

One thing we Bolton's love/need (for the survival of humanity) is sleep. Without it, there will be chaos. I feel sorry for those idiots out there who decided it was a good idea to cause trouble at one in the freakin' morning. Jessie came out with a deadly look matched by Jared and May looked equally pissed off. "Got an attack on some campers. There are a few survivors still out there." Conner said tiredly.

On the right note, the energy drink helped me to some degree, but the rouge sighting still seemed a bit off. What would a group of rogue wolves want with some campers? This rarely ever happens, but when it does everything changes. It was like that the night I lost my parents. We hurried into the car and Conner drove us into the woods. We came to a stop at a campsite that looked more like a kid's messy bedroom. Clothes laid scattered on the floor with an assortment of food supplies, and the tents were torn to pieces. In a way, it looked like something you see in a horror movie.

All of us went into hunting mode. Jane pulled out her twin pistols, May climbed up a tree with her sniper, and I went with my staff. The twins had their matching Semi-Auto Rifles, and Conner had his Double Barrel Shotgun. Every one of us has a unique weapon of choice. Just as the staff is for me, my brothers and sisters have their guns that were custom made given to us by our parents and had our names inscribed on them with our favorite color.

A bone-chilling scream came from deeper into the forest. "I will cover the left with the twins, Jane - you and Red, right. It sounds like there are only five rogues " Conner said through mind link. We dispersed in separate ways - I followed behind Jane keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. We neared closer to the cries for help ready to take action.

Five enormous wolves cornered a few petrified campers. Jane fired a warning shot in the air before they could go any farther. They snapped their blood covered muzzles in our direction. "Well. Well. Well. Just a few rogues who thought it was a good idea to mess with the humans. I'll say this once and only once," she said in a scary tone, "You will back down or face the consequences." They just gave a toothy grin with a low growl in a daring way. An angry Jane is a scary sight, and with their reaction, all I can say is it's are about to go down.

Quickly the wolf closest to us lunged at Jane, but she dodged and put a bullet in his hind legs. I took the other wolves at the side. Switching to bow mode, I aimed for the legs. That is the standard tactic any hunter will use in the beginning. A loud shot rang out and the slightly bigger wolf fell to the floor. That would be the work of May with her sniper.

I clicked my bow back into staff mode and blocked the smaller wolf from biting my face off. The middle of the staff was in her mouth as she dug her claws into my sides. I used my legs to kick the team and grab one of my daggers that I dug into her rib cage.

She howled in pain but continued on snarling/snapping at me. It was like a game of tag, she would claw me, and I would stab her. With the other twin dagger, I left stuck in her neck.It's time to end this game. I ran to the closest tree doing a running backflip and landed on the knife splitting her neck. Jane finished the wolf with a blow to the face. Everybody gathered to the group of campers. "Calm down we are here to help you," May said.

There were two girls covered in dirt and muck crying their heads off. I would be a mess too if I went camping and then there are substantial supernatural wolves trying to eat me. The brown haired girl started to hyperventilate, so Conner took out a drink with sleeping medication and gave it to both of them. When civilians are involved, we follow the routine of knocking them out, then taking them to any local hospital with the same excuse that we found them unconscious. It works every time.

After cleaning up the campsite and dropping off the girls, we drove back to the motel. Sandy is so lucky she gets to sleep while we have to deal with the stupid rogue. I slugged myself to our room and ran to my bed. Instantly I fell into a deep sleep.

Once we reached our full capacity with sleep and everybody was in a good mood we packed up to leave. "Hey Jane, can we take the bed with us? I don't think I can live without it." I sighed thinking about many different ways I can take this sucker home with me. "No. Oh, and Sandra needs some clothes to borrow." "Here" I mumbled giving her a pair of denim capris and a purple t-shirt.

Sadly I had to depart with the bed and dragged my stuff down to the lobby. This time, Jane got to lug her useless crap down without anyone's help. I bet she won't pack so much stuff on the next trip we have to take.

"What are you going to tell my dad?" Sandra asked Conner. He looked at her seriously, "Well you have the decision to make. You can go back with him or stay with us". "Please don't make me go back. He won't give up easily," she said with tears rimming her eyes. Seeing her cry is starting to make me get teary eyed which is hard to do. The last time I cried was when I saw Lin and Korra get their bending taken away on the show Legend of Korra. Now that was a tear-jerker, and any of the most terrible guys would have cried too if they saw those scenes.

"Either way, he couldn't get since your mated to my brother. You're already part of the pack, and I am your alpha," he replied. By now the whole wolf thing kicked in, and I'm probably the only human in this 'pack.' I wonder if I will shift one day. Jessie held Sandra's hand affectionately and said, "Even if he tried your more important and they won't get anywhere near you." She nodded and snuggled closer to Jessie. By the looks of it, they were going to live a happy life together.

Hm. "Hey if Jessie moves out can I have his room?" I asked spontaneously. His face said it all. It was worth a try. The drive continued in a blur because most of the time I was asleep. "It's time" Jane sighed and opened the door. Time for- oh yeah. We finally arrived at our 'clients' pack house. And he looked angry. Well, I can't wait to see how this is going to go.

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