Chapter 22: Vampires Are A Pain In The Neck.

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  A vampire! Are you kidding me? How in the world am I supposed to take her out? Maybe Mel and I should have switched positions. 'Think Red, how do you see them kill vampires in the movies' my wolf suggested. Hm, walking to the store for holy water doesn't sound so bad. Oh, one problem I have a vampire right in front of me!

I'm just going to have to do this my way. I tucked away my staff in my belt switching it for my daggers. I could see glimpses of silver in the darkness "What are you talking about?" I held a dagger defensively. The glowing red eyes moved closer to me. I didn't keep my eyes off the glowing embers. I maneuvered around her making sure to keep my face forward. If vampires are anything like werewolves, never turn your back on them.

"Petty little humans always thinking they are so powerful." he kept her eyes on me. I took a few more steps back until my back was on the window. Without turning my back on her I pushed the window open letting in the moonlight. I was shocked to see a girl the same age as me. She smiled with her fangs exposed over her blood red lips.

If it weren't for the pale white skin, blood red eyes, and overly grown fangs I would have thought she was a normal human. "But you. The child prodigy. They say there is something different about you. Your blood smells so pure yet you are nothing but a mere human. Why is that?" she dragged her fingers on the desk next to her and scrunched her face in disgust from the layer of dust on her finger.

Mere human? The perfume! Still she is on to something, but I have the advantage. "What would something like you want with just a little puny human like me anyways?" I attempted to raise one eyebrow. "Your mother is descendent of the legendary Red Riding Hood. Of course you, the child prodigy is the only one with the blood that could make me the most powerful being in the world."

"Ah, so you believe in the rumors," I said seriously and burst into a fit of giggles. She looks confused then angered. "What are you laughing at?" . I wiped a fake tear from my eye and said, "Sorry, it's just that you really looked serious for a moment. Haven't you ever heard of rumors? They are just lies though I can really kick ass, that doesn't mean I have such pure blood. You must have me confused with somebody else."

"Lies." she laughed, "Oh you are something else. Do you know that those rumors also lie on the fact that you survived a bite from a werewolf who was diseased with rabies?" her eyes glinted with malice. There is no trying to get out without violence. 'When were vampires non-violent? They eat people from the inside out' my wolf snarled. "Maybe I should test your theory."

She then lunged at me. The young girl who was just in front of me changed into a prune like living corpse. Her white skin was gray with a purple tint, her long black hair that fell to her waist was paper thin and her slanted red eyes dulled to a faint white, but still held that evil glint. I dodged her attack and rolled to the side. She zipped around and clawed at my face.

I raised my dagger to block her hand in a forward motion. She hissed in pain and held onto her bleeding arm. The cut was deep enough to see her bone. So they aren't immortal. I lunged while her attention was on her arm and knocked her out the window with my staff. With a raspy screech, she fell to the floor. Avoiding the sharp shards sticking out I jumped out.

I followed the trail of blood into the forest. 'Be careful.' my wolf warned. Although I was in the most comfortable place to fight she has the ability to lurk in the shadows. I slowed to a stop when the tracks faded into the darkness. My movement behind me startled me. 'May? I might need some cover here' I noted telepathically but got no response. I stood straight without any movement.


"Always remember whenever you are nervous or scared smile and think positive." my dad's voice was sketched into my memory.


I smiled. I will stop this from turning into a full-fledged war. Another leaf brushed past me as I stood there. Listening. Patience. Obviously, vampires react based on force and their ability of disguise. Things that are easy to pick out. If I am patient and wait for the right moment I will catch the winning prize. For a few seconds, I waited with the calm breeze flowing in the air. That's when I smelt the flesh of dead bodies. "Winner Winner chicken dinner" I smiled as the black shadow lunged at me from behind.

I twirled my staff and hit her in the face. The blades slashed into her head leaving her to fall to the ground. In a blur, I was tackled down by a wolf. 'Red get over here we need you! There was an ambush' May screamed through the mind link. Shiz. I kicked the wolf off of me and relocked my staff into bow mode. I need to get rid of- they were gone. What the fuck? "Vampires" I muttered, "Are officially a pain in the neck"

I sniffed the air around me and their scent vanished. 'I'm on my way.' I ran back to the cabin where I last heard from May. When I got there it was a mess. Wolves were everywhere and attacking hard. It was to the point all girls had to double team. I ran to the nearest wolf and attacked him from behind with the daggers. Mel had her back faced to me and swung her ax deep into the wolf's front paws.

Even May was on the spot fighting. This is the real deal. Another three wolves jumped on my cousin. They all fell to the floor after getting shot in the face with my arrows. "Finally decided to show up?" Mel smiled. I grinned while I released an arrow into the wolf next to her, "Couldn't stay away".

"I have that effect on people" she shrugged while kicking a rogue in the face. "Where are the kids?" I shouted to Mel who at the moment had three wolves running in fear. She turned back around and pointed to Jane, who was cornered. Both of us ran to her cover and took on the wolves. 'Red take the kids and get them to Daniel now' Jane commanded through the mind link. 'I am not leaving you guys out here alone after an ambush' I refuse to leave my family during a crisis like this.

Another arrow zipped past to the wolf in front of me. 'We can handle it over here Red you need to get those kids to safety' Jenny sided with Jane. 'Cover me, I'm going in'

The little girl and boy were huddled in the corner shaking from fear. Who could blame them after seeing that vampire? Now that is a real vampire, notice the lack of sparkle. Really makes me wish vampires were like that. I grabbed the kids and bolted for the forest that led us back to the pack. It was too hard to carry them both so I shifted into my wolf form and set them on my back.

Just a little bit more I chanted to myself. The border was so close, only a few yards away. Then the scent hit me. The smell of rotting dead flesh.

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