Chapter 21: Do It Like A Dude

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My vision returned to me slowly, and I saw May working on my hand. Wow for being but it doesn't look that infected. In fact, it seems the opposite. The blood around it was cleaned away leaving the outline of his teeth on my skin. "What just happened?" I asked Jane who was pacing around and muttering words. "How long was I out. Hold up how am I still alive?"

"About ten minutes. Your mind blacked out to allow the white blood cells to heal faster. It normally happens when we are in severe pain, or an unidentified liquid is injected into the bloodstream."

"Can you speak English please?" I asked nicely. She gave me an annoyed look, "Since we are the only blood decedents of the original Red and dad was the alpha makes us heal faster." I nodded and looked around the forest. Anger boiled up when I saw the rogues body on the floor with a headshot. Jane must've finished him off.

I noticed the girl who almost got attacked sitting on a tree stump drying away her tears. Her gaze followed mine and she started crying again. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting closer to her. "Th-they took them. They have my brother and sister". Everything got silent. They are going to pay. My wolf agreed with snarls. She was on the verge of taking over.

"I've got bad news," May said with a frown. "Hit me with the bad news."

"Bad news is that we don't know how to tell Daniel without him flipping out."

Bad news? "Don't tell him."

"What do you mean don't tell him?! What else are we going to do Red?!" Jane hissed in frustration.

"Just don't say anything." I looked at the girl, " I am going to get your siblings.". She gave me a small smile and a hug. I guess the protectiveness is rubbing off on me. "Why don't we get inside before people start wondering what happens, but first we have to get rid of his body" I got up and dragged his body to the border. After he was successfully over the edge, six feet under, we walked back to the house. Everybody was still in the dining room too busy with war plans to notice us. We quickly tiptoed upstairs to my room.

Without saying a word, I went to my closet and reloaded my gun. I turned back around to my sisters and saw Mel sitting beside them. Don't ask me how she got there that girl pops out of nowhere like daisies. "Okay, are you going to tell me what in the world is going on around here! You!" she pointed at me, "Do you have any idea how hard it was to calm Daniel down? We all thought you lost your mind! Seriously what was that? Out of nowhere you just jumped -"

I pulled out my arm and unwrapped it from the bloody rags. It healed faster than I thought. The deadly bite healed into a pink scar. Her eyes bulged out as she gaped at my hand. I guess that explains it. I turned back around and looked for some necessities for the new mission. My sisters filled Mel in on what happened.

I turned to the girl, "Here why don't you go take a shower in the bathroom. These are the only spare I have." I handed her a pair of old pajamas. After she left, I turned back to my sisters and magically appeared cousin. "Red I know that look. You are planning something aren't you? We need to think this through; we can send a group of-"

"No" I looked at my sister. 'Two stubborn mules will get us nowhere' my wolf growled. "I need to go alone. There is no way that I am going to sit by while those assholes have that girls sibling. If it means going alone then so be it, but I have to do something."

I went back to packing my belt with extra rounds. "Red you are not going" Jane glared. " Not without me." I couldn't help smile when I saw her relocking one of the twin pistols. Mel let out a whoop and held her ax in the air. Only my cousin can pull out random weapons and look excited without looking like a lunatic. May pulled back her sniper with a click, and the door opened. We all froze and zipped our heads to the intruder.

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