Chapter 24: Sweet Dream For A Horrible Nightmare

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       I fell to my knees and cried. It's my fault. Regret filled thoughts swirled through my brain. He is gone. Dead. "Red?" that deep voice asked. What does he want? Can't he just leave me alone to sit here and cry for my mate. "Red?" this time his voice was more serious and resembled Daniel's voice. "Red wake up"

Wake up? Now I have officially gone bonkers. Every time somebody talks to me, I will imagine it is Daniel's voice. "Red"

I opened my eyes to be surrounded by whiteness. Did I die too? The blur faded and I turned my head to see the person who was shaking my shoulders. When my eyes dissolved into those deep Caribbean blue eyes I knew it was all a dream. "Daniel!" I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. It was just nightmare. Just a nightmare. Thank God because I don't know how I could possibly live without him. He smiled, "I'm fine. All they had to do was take the bullet out. It wasn't even silver so it healed perfectly."

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" I mumbled in his shirt. That poor blood covered shirt that was also soaked with my tears. "So I am your Flynn Rider?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. Did He hear that? With my head smothered into his chest, I mumbled, "Let's just get back home". His deep chuckle made the heat in my cheeks worsen. "Aw my little mate is blushing" he added with a teasing tone. Thanks shirt, you trader.

For the whole ride to our house, I didn't let go of Daniel. I held on to the point that I started to doze off in his arms. 'We will never let him go again' my wolf purred. 'You can say that again' I agreed. Maybe having a mate after all isn't all that bad.

Shut up she's asleep Daniel said to my brother who was talking too loud for my liking. When the car came to a complete stop I felt his muscular arms lift me out of the car and into the house. I was put on the comfortable bed I slept on last time. His bed.

After covering me with the quilt he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. It took so much not to break a smile let alone jump around like a maniac who just got her first kiss. I waited until the shower came on from his bathroom to get up. I tiptoed to the closet where my luggage was and grabbed some clothes. I rushed into the bathroom across the hallway to shower and scrub off all of the blood from my skin. Also the horrible memory of dealing with her.

Vampire's suck! Literally and figuratively. Just the way her voice sounded like a rake scraping cement blew chills of fear up my spine. No wonder the werewolves hate them, even though not all werewolves are perfect they aren't like that. In all of the years of hunting werewolves not once have I come across a case where the victim's death is that bloody.

After my skin was in a clean state and the shower in Daniel's room was still on, I jumped under the covers. I didn't go to sleep until I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Run" my father's voice boomed with authority. I was so confused, but I followed his orders. My mom pulled me along through the dense dark forest. It was so strange how when the sun hit the forest it looked so wonderful, but once it disappeared under the dark blanket of shadows it released mystery with fear. All I could see were flashes of black and green.

The only thing that kept me anchored to reality was my mother's firm grip on my small little hand. We continued through the shadowy nightmare of doom and it went completely black.

I remember being yanked to the floor with a huge wolf towering over me. It's eyes filled red with rage and hate as it nipped close to my face. What kept me alive was my fear. It felt dominance and power from a simple person's fear. "Red" my mom barely whispered. The sight of her bloody body was forever imprinted into my brain. A horrible memory that would forever curse me with nightmares.

I waited for my mom but was cut shot by a furious growl. A shot echoed off into the distance and I heard my mom's pain breaking scream. For that split second the vile creature looked away into the distance and I took that as my chance. Adrenalin rushed when I ran back to my mom after kicking the wolf in the face. Time was not in my favor when her barreled at me again. This time I noticed a silver glint from underneath the overgrowth.

With the few seconds, I had left I forgot my fear and replaced it with fury. The body of wolf stumbled to the floor when I fired the last bullet. Five total. That was my final point.

I jumped up with shaky breaths. My face was cracked with a mixture of sweat and tears. Another one, I sighed, just a nightmare. 'It was a memory' my wolf said softly. 'I know it was a memory, but it helps me cope with what happened if I say it was a nightmare' I responded. It was just a sliver of what had really happened. My eyes started to tear up some more from the thought of the truth.

With small steps, I went the bathroom and attempted to fix myself up. I finally got Daniel back and right now I just want to focus on him. Speaking of my mate, the bed was empty when I woke up. That wasn't a dream was it? I swear he was holding me before I knocked out.

I jumped downstairs in search for him. To my surprise, he was on the couch playing video games with the headphones on. Like nothing even happened, I sighed. "Mother fucker" he mumbled at the screen while the buttons clicked aimlessly on the Xbox controller. My heart bolted when the doorbell rang and he didn't move a flinch. 'He can't hear anything' my wolf chuckled.

I opened the door to see the twins leaning against the doorframe. "Is he here?" Jared asked and Jessie finished his question, "We have some bone to pick with him. He killed our score on Call Of Duty". They were at it again. Whenever the twins go into the focused mode they have that telepathically evil twin powers were they finish their sentences. I smiled at a perfect trick swirling through my creative mind. "Come this way, my fellow pranksters" they gave the same evil chuckle.


"Retreat!" I yelled and dropped my water gun in a flash. Following me was an angry alpha, while my devilish brothers ran ahead of me. Why did I choose to be the one to spray him with the water gun? Daniel's hands gripped around my waist and pulled me back, "Man down! Man down! Curse you.... you BARRELS! Get your sorry little buttheads over here and help me!" I screeched over their laughter. "Every man for themselves" Daniel smirked at my brothers who jumped out of the door.

He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Come on! Why do I always get in trouble." I mumbled, "You had it coming"

"And why did I have it coming?" he raised an eyebrow at me. "Well for starters you left me all alone this morning after I almost lost you. Who does that? Not to mention how I was two steps away from getting sent to the asylum yesterday." Instantly my cheeks grew warm when I realized the meaning behind what I just said. He passed the kitchen and exited out the back door. "Um......The door was back there" I pointed. He ignored me and walked quietly.

For the whole walk down there I was getting so many mixed emotions from him, but what made it worse was his poker face. He took me deeper into the forest then plopped me down. "We need to talk"

From the look he was giving me I got the hint that something was up. "About....." I urged him to finish what he started. "About us. You keep on giving me mixed vibes Red. Just tell me straight on how you feel about me. Every time I try to get close you push me away"

That was straight to the point... I stared back into those midnight blue eyes. He had to be confused if his eye color darkened from that bright Caribbean blue color. What do I say? Is he confessing or demanding my love? Urg this is frustrating! "I-I uh.. I......" I stumbled as he came closer to me. My back hit against a large tree and to make the matters worse he caged me in. "Uh...Kittens..-"

I was cut off with his lips crashing down on mine. It felt like everything around us stopped, like time itself paused to let me have this moment to myself with my mate. To my surprise I found myself pulling closer to him and my hand gripped his soft hair. The kiss wasn't like a hungry kiss, but it was so much more. It was passionate.

And to be honest, I wanted more kisses like that. I frowned a bit when he pulled away and smiled, "I've waited so long to do that". That smile made my knees go weak. "Then do it again" I pulled in closer and kissed him again.

Whoever wrote stories about their first kiss got it absolutely correct. It felt like fireworks were traveling through my body and butterflies happily fluttered in my stomach. It took so much not to dance a victory dance. He trailed kisses down my neck. It wasn't until he kissed one spot on my shoulder that just gave off this unimaginable tingle. Everything intensified when I felt the canines sink into my skin. Heat flooded through my veins and the sparks traveled through my body. What the hell is happening to me?

Wait............Did he just bite me?

Oh. Heck. To the No.

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