Chapter 19: Fun In The Sun

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"Will you stop kicking my seats!" I turned around and glared at Jared. For the past hour he has been kicking my seat like a toddler, and in any second, I'm about to crack. Just one more kick and- another kick rammed me from behind. It's on brother.

"ARRRRGGGG. Jared!" I screamed and leaned over my seat. It was hard not to laugh while I slapped him with my shoe. This is just the beginning. Mawahahaha! "Ow, Red come on stop already it wasn't that bad." his voice was muffled from my swinging. Sure we looked crazy, but hey what's family for? It wouldn't be called family if you didn't have that one goofy member and in our case it's everybody. Well, most of us except May.

"Red, you're going to get us kicked off the plane. Just stop" Jane scolded. I sat back in my seat with an aggravated sigh and put my batman converse on. Yes, I said Batman, they were pretty cool too. "You can resume all of that once we get into the car. He kicked my seat too," she whispered with a laugh. He heard her. Permission was all I needed.

"Ow, what was that for Red?" Jared whined after I threw a good punch to his arm. I eyed him and popped my earbuds in. "Better run. Better run. Better run, Yeah I'm coming after you when you're sleeping at night. Yea there is nothing you can do. There is no place you can hide cause I'm coming after you-oo." I paused for the dramatic effect, "I wish there were another way out! I wish there were another way out-ow ow ow--out". I banged my head back and forth with my hair blowing in all directions.

"I don't know if I should be concerned about her?" Conner sighed. Since we have such a large family for this 'family trip' we had to take three vehicles, one including Conner, Jenny, Jared, Jane, me and him in a car together. I still got stuck with Daniel. For some reason, I have a feeling he is doing this on purpose. Now I have a chance to get on his nerves without anybody to stop me. Here is where you insert the evil grin. Hehe, the power of annoying people is priceless.

"Maybe we should," Daniel said with a weird look full of fake concern with amusement underneath. So this is funny to him? I'll show him funny. Over the time of reading stories about mates and whatnot, there was a thing where if a girl shows any attention to a different male their mate would go berserk and filled with jealousy. And I know just how to test that theory. Secretly I'm glad he is sitting behind me. He will have the perfect view of the chaos I am about to stir.

"OMG Jane you have to see this video with Tobuscus" I exclaimed. 'What are you up to?' she asked in my head. 'Just go with it.' I pulled out my laptop from my Jansport bag and pulled up YouTube. Once it was loaded I searched up Whistle While I Work It with Chester See, Toby, and Wayne Brady. I have to say this song is somewhat similar to how I would be at a club. Seriously, watch the video. Pure awesomeness. Setting the volume on full blast I sat there waiting for my plan to go into action. "Afraid to use the toilet, I'll get vomit on my pants, and I never tip the bathroom guy who helps me dry my hands." I sang along with Toby, "Cuz I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows" Jane joined in and I have to admit. It was shocking to see my sister singing one of my favorite songs.

Her type of music genre consists of the stuff from the 80's, so it is rare for her to take an interest in this style. On the other, I am crazy with music. I love everything, but lately, I've been listening to more rock, like Halestorm, Hollywood Undead, and The Offspring. I don't know if they are considered rock or whatever, but I love the songs. Back to the subject at hand, my plan was taking effect. I could feel the anger radiating from Daniel. It was like he was glaring holes in my head no joke and the craziest part is that all I did was sing the darn song. I haven't even gotten to the good part yet.

The chorus came on again, and both of us sang along. I even attempted to dance (although it was a fail and I looked like a monkey with a terrible itch), but who cared? The best part about being around family - what am I saying I'm like this anyways. Where was I again? Oh, yea so the song finished, and I calmed down. "Wasn't that awesome" I squealed. " YES! I swear Chester is a hunk of pure sexiness" she cooed. "Ha, sexy!" I laughed, which also gave Danny boy some hope I was going to say he was sexy, "Didn't you see Toby. Yeah, Chester is good looking, but Toby is the real deal. Nobody has eyes like his". I even battered my eyelashes to add the effect of bedazzlement.

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