I looked at Luna not to sure what to say to that. I coudn't help but smile a little, I hoped that what she was saying were true.

"Thanks Luna. Have you seen Lillith?" I said

"I think she went outside of the tent" she answered

I got up and went outside, it was night now and Lillith was looking up at the stars. She would always look up at the stars, she told me it calmed her down. I walked up to her, hugged her from behind and kissed her neck.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah" she answered "just thinking of my dad, I wish he was here"

"You know, someone people think that the dead are still here but invisible and follow you around" I started saying.

Lillith gave me an odd look.

"Luna said it better, ask her to tell you" I added

Lillith let out a small laugh and leaned her head on me.

"I miss him" Lillith said

"I know, I miss Fred" I said

Lillith took a deep breath "come on, it's our weeding, lest go back inside and dance and have fun"

"I'm not stopping you" I smiled

Lillith grabbed my hand and we walked back inside and started to dance again. I found a camera sitting on the table and snapped a picture of Lillith.

"Oh George" She said "I wasn't ready I'll probably look bad"

"Bad, you look Horrible" I joked

Lillith hit my shoulder

"Hey you said it first" I added.

Lillith took my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

People started to leave, the weeding was ending and everyone congratulated Lillith and I.

"I'm exhausted" Lillith said

"I hope not to exhausted" Smirked George

Lillith grinned. Once everyone was gone and we cleaned up the tent, we started to make our way inside the burrow that's where we were staying until tomorrow. Lillith went inside and just has I was about to go in I heard my name. I turned around and saw Astoria standing in the dark. I walked towards her and saw she had something in her hands.

"Congratulations on your weeding" Astoria said shyly. "Can you give this to Lillith from me, it's just a small weeding gift"

"Sure" I answered

Astoria smiled and started to leave once she handed me the small box.

"You don't want to say hi to Lillith?" I asked her

"No, it's fine, I have to get back home" Astoria answered and disaparated moments later.

I walked inside the burrow, mum had made tea and Lillith had changed out of her dress into something more confortable. Everyone was sitting in the living room having tea and chatting. I went to sit next to Lillith and gave her the little box Astoria gave me.

"Here someone wanted me to give you this weeding gift" I said handing her the small box.

Lillith took it looking at me suspiciously and opened it. Inside the small box was a charm that you can open. She opened up the charm and inside was a picture of her and Astoria when they were younger and lived together.

"Was Astoria here?" Lillith asked me

"She just came, left the gift and then she was gone" I told her.

I looked at Lillith and I waited for her to jump up and run for the door and go fund Astoria but didn't. She just stayed on the couch and put the charm inside her pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"What do you mean what am I doing?" Lillith asked

"Usually you would jump off the couch and go find Astoria" I said

Lilli took a breath "not today, today is our weeding day and I'm not dealing with this today" Lillith said

Lillith then smiled and took my hands.

"I have something I want to tell all of you" she then added.

Everyone stared at Lilli attentively. "I'm pregnant"

Everyone gasped.

"Congratulations! Oh I'm going to be a grandmother" Shouted Mum with excitement.

She got up and hugged Lillith and I.

"When did you know?" I asked Lillith excited

"A couple of day's after the battle" Lilli said

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad! There will be a mini me! Another Weasley to keep the mischief in the family" I said happily.

I grabbed Lilli and hugged her.

"Oh and I was thinking, Ginny, would you like to be the babies godmother?" Lilli asked

Ginny's cheeks became pink and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Really?" She asked l

"Of course" Lilli answered

Ginny came to hug Lilli, I've never seen my sister this happy.

"We never talked about this, who said I wanted Ginny to be the godmother" I then said

Ginny and Lillith looked at me in a judging way. I then cracked a smile and said "what, has none of you ever heard of a joke"

"You such an Idiot George" Ginny said.

The day's went by, Lillith and I still lived at the joke shop. I sill worked there and Ron would come and help sometimes. Lillith was now working at the ministry of magic has an Auror like she always wanted. She was one of the best. Lillith had soon given birth to our first born, we named him Fred. We had decided to move to anther house since the apartment was to small. Lillith then got pregnant again. We ended up having five kids. Fred, Marguerite, April and two twins, Lyall and Caleb.

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