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**Lillith's POV**

The house was mostly destroyed but some on it was still intact. Mrs and Mr Weasley, Bill and the others helped fix it up. I sat on the couch has Ginny helped me with the burns and scratches all over me.

"You knew this was going to happen!" Fred suddenly said

"Huh?" I answered not really listening to what he had said

"You knew someone was going to attack the house" Fred repeated.

"What do you mean?" I answered pretending to be clueless.

George who was sitting next to Fred looked at Fred and me suspiciously.

"I mean this!" Shouted Fred has he tossed me my notebook were I would right down my vision.

I put my hand on my neck to see if my key was still there and it was.

"How did you open it without the key?" I asked calmly

"When you were asleep I took the key and then put it back on your necklace. You knew that we were going to get attacked why didn't you say anything!" Fred said getting unnerved


George was looking at me in a way that made me feel horrible. He kept on dodging my gaze and looked very upset has well has Fred.

"I didn't want to worry you. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't think it was going to happen yesterday night." I tried to explain.

It seemed like George wanted to yell something but couldn't. I've never seen the twins this upset about something but I guess I understand why. Even Ginny was looking at me crookedly. Fred stormed out of the room and George followed has well has Ginny. I couldn't believe this happened. I should've told them, I knew I should've. I put my hands on my head and stood up. I grabbed my wand and walked to the middle on the room.


I disaparated from the burrow.

**George's POV**

Fred, Ginny and I all sat in the kitchen quietly not talking or even looking at each other. I was sure that Lillith didn't mean to not tell us. Fred was really upset, I've never seen him this mad in a long time.

"I'll go talk to Lilli" I said and pushed my chair back.

I walked into the living room to see that Lillith wasn't there anymore not her wand. I looked around maybe she was still in house but wasn't.

"She's gone!" I said has I walked back in the kitchen.

Fred and Ginny looked up at me surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked

"Lillith! She isn't here anymore!" I said again.

"Lillith's gone?" Asked mum has she walked into the kitchen.

We all looked up at her "yeah" I answered "she was here a second ago, she must've disaparated"

"Alone?" Asked mum

"Yes" I answered

"You let her leave! Alone! Lillith can't be alone, not now. The death eaters want her has much has He-who-must-not-be-named wants Harry." Mum said.

Everyone just seemed to freze. Forgot about all of this, I can't believe I forgot about the death eaters trying to get her and use her for her visions.

"We need to find her before 'he' does!" Mum said.

"She could be anywhere!" Ginny exclaimed

The Mischeifs Good Girl ~George Weasley love story~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang