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**Lillith's POV**

"Looks like he found someone better, I could see why he didn't have a hard time replacing you" laughed a voice "your hopeless, stupid, ugly and worthless"

"Leave me Alone!" I shouted

"Why? I'm only saying the truth" mocked the voice

I looked around, my head was hurting I didn't understand what was going on. I was in the school, but It was very dark. The voice who was talking wasn't standing to far from me. I couldn't see who they where but I knew it was a girl by what she was wearing. I couldn't see her face, it was covered by a shadow but I knew she was smirking has she made fun of me.

"You probably feel so alone, well, I understand, who would want you" she continued to mock

"Just shut up! Leave me alone! Go away" I yelled

"Hahaha, your weak, can't even defend yourself, all you know what to do is call for help" She laughed

"That's enough" I shouted even louder has I took out my wand and pointed it at her.

"Lillith stop" I then heard a calm voice say.

The voice was familiar, it was the voice of the boy I love, It was George. I was able to see him clearly, I could see his face, his clothes...

"George, what are you doing here" I asked has I put my wand down

"Lillith, you need to stop..."

Just has George started to say something, everything seemed to start disappearing and his words started to fade.

I woke up. I put my hands on my face and realized it was wet, I was crying in my sleep. I looked at the time, realized it was four in the morning. Not being able to fall back asleep. I get dressed and leave the Gryffindor tower. The castle was so quiet, I walked around and the only thing I could hear was my footsteps. I felt pretty horrible at the moment. Not knowing where to go, I made my way outside to get some fresh air. I laid down on the cold grass and looked up at the sky. The sun was trying to come up but I was still able to see a few stars. I closed my eyes for a little moment, and I started to think. That dream I had, it wasn't the first time I had it but the different thing about it was that George was in it. It had been two day's since George and I broke up and I've felt kind've lonely lately. The only people that I would talk to was Angelina and Alicia, but they aren't able to make me feel better.

Has I laid down, I heard footsteps on the grass coming towards me. I sit up alarmed but I soon calm down when I see It's only Professor Lupin. Professor Lupin sits down next to me and looks up at the sky, but doesn't say anything straight away.

"Beautiful morning isn't it" he said

"Oh, huh, yes beautiful" I answered

"What are you doing up so early, eager to get to defence against the dark arts" Joked Professor Lupin

"Oh, yes, very eager" I smiled and took a moment before I said anything else "I wasn't able to sleep, had one of those Dream's again, or has Professor Trelawney says, I had one of my visions"

"Ah, I see, may I ask, what was this dream about?" Asked Professor Lupin

I found it a little weird how he wanted to know what it was about, but maybe he would be able to help me so I explained it to him. I told him about the girl, and about George. I told him how I was able to see George clearly but not the girl who was making fun of me. I then asked why I was seeing George clearly but not the girl, maybe he knew why, or had an Idea.

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