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**Lillith's POV**

I rushed back to the common room with my mind filled with thoughts about what I had just seen, what was Professor Moody doing? I walked inside the common room and sat down on the couch, my leg was tapping on the floor and I kept on playing with my necklace.

"Hey Lilli, you okay?" George said has he came to sit next to me

"I'm fine, why?" I asked a nervously since I wasn't sure if I should tell him about Professor Moody.

"Cause you seem a little jumpy" he answered

I didn't say anything straight away but I then turned to George and looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm going to tell you something and you can't tell anyone, not even Fred" I said

"Alright" George answered in a nervous way.

"I need to to promise me"

"Okay I promise"

After making sure no one was listening, I told George about what I saw, about seeing Professor Moody putting a name in the goblet of fire.

"Why would he put a name in the goblet, I mean do you think he's trying to enter?" Questioned George

"Thats the thing, why would he want to enter himself, What if he put someone else's name in there" I said

"But he's a professor, he wouldn't put a students name in there"

"There are many possibilities. Do you think I should tell Dumbledore?"

"Look, how do you know he even put a name on there, maybe you were seeing things, lest just wait a bit, get a bit more evidence"


I saw a smirk pop up on George's face

"Oh no, we are not spying on him" I said shaking my head

"Well how else do you want to get evidence" George protested

He was right even if I didn't want to admit it. There was another way I could find out what he was up to, by a vision. The thing is I don't control them, they come to me on there own.

After this long day, I kissed George and went to bed. I laid down and closed my eyes. I kept on repeating professor Moody in my head hoping that wen I fell asleep I would have a vision about him.

The next morning I woke up and to my disappointment I slept well which meant I didn't have a vision. I had to find a way to control them, to get myself to see the future on my own when I want. I got out if bed and got dressed, I went down to the great hall to grab breakfast. Nor George, Fred or Angelina where down, anyway our classes did only start at 11:00. I ate alone at the table and just listened to the conversation the other Gryffindors where having. Has I ate, I spotted Professor Moody enter the great hall and sot down at the teachers table. I realized he was watching me very closely and if made me uncomfortable. I decided to not finish my breakfast and just leave the great hall because even if he didn't seem to be looking at me it still felt like he was. I wondered if he knew that I saw him put a name in the goblet.

Once I was out the great hall I made my way back to the common room to get my care of magical creatures books. I spotted Fred sitting on an arm chair half asleep but George was no where to be found.

"Oye Fred!" I said

Fred jumped out of the chair startled but soon calmed down when he saw me.

"Instead of shouting you could've calmly ask me to wake up, or not wake me up at all" Said Fred

"Where George?" I asked him completely ignoring his comment

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