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**Lillith's POV**

Today was the day of the quidditch world cup. Arthur Wealsey came to wake us all up extra early so we could be the first ones to get there. I had a very hard time getting out of bed, I was so tired I barely got any sleep. I had once again had the same dream ending in the same way, with me in the middle of getting killed. Usually my dream would continue a bit more every night but now It would always stop there. Fred, George and I all went down to the kitchen and had the breakfast Molly had prepared for us. Once done eating and once Arthur was able to get Harry and Ron out of bed, we all left the house.

  "Where are we going dad?" Asked George

We were walking in the woods for some reason. Before Arthur had the chance to answer George, two people appeared

  "Amos!" Exclaimed Mr.Weasley "this must be your son Cedric"

Cedric was a boy from hufflepuff that was on the quidditch team. Arthur explained to us that we would be going with them. Amos worked at the ministry with Arthur. We continued to walk and I was able to hear Ginny tell Hermione how handsome Cedric was. We soon stopped in front of a boot.

  "What are we doing here, This isn't the quidditch world cut" Said Ron

  "Maybe it's in that boot, go look inside" joked George.

Ron rolled his eyes at him

  "Now now boys, this here is a port key. Now all of you need to grab onto it" said Arthur

We all grabbed onto the boot and it soon felt like we flew up into the air and then landed flat on our stomachs. George helped me up, I looked around and thousands of tents everywhere and if you looked a bit further, there was the stadium. This place looked exactly like my dream, this made me very nervous.

  "You okay Lilli?" George asked

  "Oh yes fine" I answered anxiously


We started to make our way inside the stadium, it was huge. We walked up the stairs up and up and up when we got stopped by a voice, it was Lucius Malfoy. Has he and Arthur talked viciously at each other we walked away but I felt a hand pull me back. I turned around and Lucius let go of my shirt.

  "Ah Miss Greengrass, didn't think I would see you here, where are your parents" smirked Mr. Malfoy

  "It's Lupin actually and those people you think are my parents aren't" I said rudely

  "Oh yes it's true, Draco told me all about that" he answered "well, I do hope you have a good time, who know's maybe you'll run into someone you know"

Lucius Malfoy gave me an evil smirk and walked away. I gave him a sharp look and ran towards George. Never liked Lucius Malfoy, he always seemed to be up to no good, and I was sure he was. He was friends with my Uther and Cora (my fake parents) I remember him coming to our house for Tea once, with his son Draco and wife. His wife didn't seem to bad compared to him, I always wondered why she would want to be with him.

We finally made it all the way to the top of the stadium and sat at our seats. We were cheering for our teams, it was so exiting.

  "It was be amazing to be playing in this stadium" I said with a sparkle in my eye

At that exact moment, the teams started to enter the stadium, Ireland and Bulgaria. The match was intense and the whole stadium was going wild. I was so into it I had completely forgotten about my dream and all my anxiousness was gone. I was having the best time of my life, watching my favorite spot with my favorite person, George. When Ireland won, George, Ginny Fred, Hermione and I started to yell with happiness. George pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my lips, this was the best day ever.

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