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**Lillith's POV**

Already at the third Periode, George and I made our way to care of magical creatures. Fred wasn't with us since he tried to make this potion that would make him really fast but it back fired and he had to go to see Madam Promfrey. at our last class that was about three day's ago, our professor told us that he had a surprise for the class. We all went to met professor Kettleburn outside next to the forbidden forest. Hagrid had just came out of the forest with a unicorn. He left it with Professor Kettleburn and went back into his house. When I saw the unicorn, my mind was blown, a unicorn, I've never seen one before and it was so beautiful.

  "Good afternoon class, as you could see here I have brought to you a Unicorn" Started Professor Kettleburn
"Now I will teach you to to approach one and help you understand more about his fantastic beast"

I had to stop myself from approaching it, the unicorn was so pretty.

"Now who would like to get a closer look?" Asked the Professor

Almost everyone's hands shot up wanting to be the first's ones to pet the unicorn. I even got on my tiptoes so the professor could see me and pick me, but my shortness didn't help. All of a sudden my feet where off the ground, George had picked me up.

"Pick Lillith, pick Lilli" he shouted

"Put me down George, your embarrassing me" I whispered to him.

George out me down with a smirk

"Miss Greengrass it seems like you really want to see the unicorn" smiled the professor "come on up"

"I may be embarrassing but thanks to me you get to see the unicorn" George winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I walked over to the professor and the unicorn, I couldn't get over the fact that it was so beautiful.

"Now, I want you to gently put your hand out" said the professor

I nodded and did has he said. The unicorn started to get closer to me. I extended my hand and started to pet it, it was very soft.

"Very good miss Greengrass" the professor clapped his hands. "You may go back to the group"

I stopped petting the unicorn and walked back. I hoped to be able to do something more like ride it or something like that.

  "Anyone else would like to pet the unicorn" asked the Professor "how about you George"

George smiled and lifted his sleeves and held is head high like if he was a unicorn expert. He put his hand out and waited for the unicorn to approach him so he could pet it but it never did. I knew that George felt stupid right now, the look on his face was so funny. He tried to get closer to the unicorn and pet it but it was backed away, I couldn't help but laugh and some other kids dod to.

  "I don't think the unicorn liked me that much" George said walked back towards me looking disappointed.

  "Well it is known that unicorns rater a women's touch" said Professor Kettleburn.

This class was probably my favorite Care of magical creatures class. We got to learn so much about unicorns, about where they came from, about how pure and rare they are, they where probably my favorite creatures.
Once the class was over, I put my stuff away and was about to leave for transfiguration when I realized George wasn't with me. I looked around and I saw him walking towards the unicorn that was still there.

  "George, what are you doing?" I asked silently so I wouldn't scare the unicorn away. 

  "I wanna try to pet it. The professor said it preferred a women's touch but every student was able to pet if, women or not. I wanna try to pet it, i don't want to be the only one that didn't get to" said George has he continued to approach the creature.

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