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**Lillith's POV**

After a long week of work, it was finally Saturday. I had a whole day to myself just to relax and Study. I got my books and started to make my way towards the library when I spotted Professor Lupin walking. I looked down at my books. I had the one of advanced spells that had his name on it with me. I felt like I should go ask him about it.

Just before I lost him out of sight, I ran towards him to ask him about the book.

  "Excuse me Professor Lupin" I called

  "Oh, hullo Lillith" he smiled

  "Er- I have a question to ask you Professor" I tell him

  "Yes, what is it?" He asked

  "It's about this" I say has I give him the book "This book suddenly appeared into my room at the leaky cauldron this summer and it has your name written in it"

Professor Lupin scans the book. He doesn't make any facial expressions so it was kind've hard for me to try to see what he may be thinking of.

  "This was my book back when I was at this school" said Lupin "wonder how this came into your possession"

  "I've been wondering that has well, I thought maybe you knew" I said

  "Sorry. Here, keep it, I don't need it anymore and I think I'll have more use to you then to me" smiled Lupin has he handed me back the book.

I smiled at him, took it back and started to walk back towards the library.

**Professor Lupin's POV**

I smiled at Lillith has she left for the library, I wanted to tell her I put the book in her room but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to. Once She entered the Library, I made my way to the headmasters office.

  "Sherbet Lemon" I said to the Griffin Statue had it turns into stairs.

I walk up to the door and knock on it three times. It opens and I find Dumbledore sitting at his desk writing on a parchment of paper.

  "Sorry to disturb you" I start but soon get cut of my Dumbledore

  "No need to say your sorry, what is the mater Lupin?" Asked Dumbledore politely

Before I say anything, I take a deep breath.

  "I want to know, when can I tell her" I start "it's killing me, the fact that she is right there and she doesn't know"

  "Patience, that is all you need. I know it must be hard but you need to wait for the right time, actually, you should wait for her to figure it out on her own" Said the headmaster

  "Figure it out on her own? How will she do that?"

  "Lillith has great power in her, you also told me about those dreams she's been having. I went to speak to Professor Trelawney, she told me Lillith when to see her and asked about those dreams, Trelawney thinks she is capable to have visions. I think of you give Lillith the time, she will be able to see the truth in one of her vision"

I didn't say anything, I wanted to protest, tell him how it would be much simpler if I just told her but I didn't. I had to be patient, and I had to wait for Lillith to see the truth.

**Lillith's POV"

I stayed in the library for a good two hours. I studied most of my things. Got Potions, charms and herbology down, tomorrow I'll do the rest. I started to get pretty hungry so I made my way to the great hall, it was already lunch time. Has I walked, I heard someone crying. I went to search for the person and saw Sebastien sitting in a corner with his head in his hands. My heart sank and I ran towards him and put my arms around him. He look up at me and his face turned red. He pushed me away. I was shocked by what he just did.

The Mischeifs Good Girl ~George Weasley love story~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें