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**Lillith's POV**

It was finally christmas break. I was so happy, I could finally have some time to myself, not stress on work or anything like that. I wasn't going to go home for Christmas, I never do. The more time away from my parents the better. I had to spend the first day of my break helping my sister get her things to the train. She wanted to go back home. I tried to find a reason not to go help her but there didn't seem away to get out of it. The worst part was that she got me to go all the way to the train station with her.

  "Why aren't you coming home for christmas break?" Asked Astoria

  "It's home for you, not for me" I answered "Now get on the train before it leaves without you" I said pushing her towards the train.

She waved goodbye but I ignored it. I soon left and went back to Hogwarts.

I sat down in the common roon next to the fire. I took out my journal and started writing in it

It's finally winter break and I will now have more time to find out who my grand-mother was. I tried sending an owl to my parents, it was a long shot. They didn't answer me, I don't understand what's so wrong with me wanting to know about my grand-mother. I'm sure if I was a slytherin or like my sister they would tell me. There was one thing I knew, I knew my grand-mother was on the Gryffindor quidditch team in her time but that's pretty much it. I thought about asking some Professor, maybe they knew my grand-mother and could tell me things about her...

"Hey Lilli! We didn't know you where staying here for christmas" I turned around to see Fred and George

  "I didn't know you where staying here either" I sigh but then smile.

I didn't mind them being here, at least I wouldn't be alone the only thing was that it wouldn't be quiet. The boy's came and sit next to me. Fred on my left and George on my right. To be honest I still didn't know who was who.

  "Our parents went to Romania to visit out brother Charlie" Started one of the twins

  "He works with dragons" Continued the other

I nodded and smiled. It must be pretty cool to work with dragons but I didn't really care at the moment, I just wanted to write in my journal.

  "Is this you're journal" Said Fred... probably

  He took the journal our of my hands and started to read it.

  "Give that back" I shouted and hit him on the head with it

I gave him a sharp look and slammed my book closed, I don't like it wen people touch my journal, it's private and I don't want anyone to find out my secrets or who my parents are and the fact they are death Eaters. It's better if no one knew about me.

  "So this was a nice little chat but I gotta go" I said and got up

  "Can we come with you" Asked the twins


I walked out of the common room and the portrait hole closed behind me. But, it then opened again since Fred and George where following me.

I knew those two weren't going to leave me alone. I tried walking faster to lose them but it was almost impossible, they where always right behind me.

I was trying to look for Professor Mcgonagall. I had a couple of question's to ask her, about my grand-mother. I was really hoping that she knew her or knew something about her.

I went to the transfiguration class room and there she was sitting at her desk.

  "What are we doing here?" Asked the twins

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