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**Lillith's POV**

The year went on and the next thing you know it was summer. I was pretty sad to be leaving Hogwarts but I was also very happy since I would be able to meet my grand-mother for the first time. I was packing my things, getting my books and clothes when Angelina came to see me.

"Still not done packing" Asked Angelina

"Nope, why are you?" I asked

"Yup, I'm leaving for Italy the first thing I get home, I can't wait"

"Lucky you" I answered has I tried to close my trunks that was filled with mostly books.

Once I was able to close it, I turned back at Angelina who was still standing next to me "I'll be right back, I need to go ask George some"

Angelina smirked at me. I walked down into the common room looking for the boys but I couldn't find them. I then saw Ginny talking to Clara so I went to see them.

"Hullo Ginny, Hullo Clara" I say

"Hullo Lillith" Said Ginny and Clara.

"Ginny, do you know where George is?" I asked

"Haven't seen him" She answered "He's probably still in his dorm"

"Oh okay, thank you" I answered has I walked back into my dorm

Looked like I just had to wait for him to come out. I was sitting on my bed talking with Angelina. She kept on talking about George and how cute we were, to be honest it started to get annoying, all she would do was talk about that but she wasn't the only one always talking about us. All years Fred would keep on saying remarks, Ron would keep on teasing us, Malfoy would just look at us crookedly and if George and I would just hold hands, he would yell at us to get a room. There was Also Lee Jordan, who would try to get me and George to kiss in front of everybody. Oh and lest not forget Percy, he isn't has bad as the others but he is annoying has well. Just last week when I was walking alone out of the defense against the dark arts class, he came to see me.

"Hello Lillith" He said

"Oh, Hi Percy, I didn't see you there"

"For how long have you been dating George now?" He asked witch I found quite weird

"Oh, Huh, I don't know maybe a couple months" I answered

"Maybe someone will finally be able to get some sense back into that boy, have you heard what happened to the slytherins with that bucket, I bet it was Fred and George, they have their name all over it" He said

I could help but giggle a bit "I'll see what I can do" I answered just so he could leave me alone for a bit.

Percy has been saying things like this a lot and sometimes I just wished that everyone would shut up and let me live my life without making bloody remarks. After a while, Angelina and I took our trunks and left the dorm and down to the common room. Fred and George where now down, sitting on the couch playing wizards chess. Angelina and I went to see them.

"Hullo boys" I say.

"Be quiet Lilli, this is a very serious game and I need my concentration" Answered Fred and he made a constipated face.

I looked at Angelina and we both started to giggle.

"Check mate" Then said George with a smirk

"What! How? You cheated didn't you" Sneered Fred

"No I didn't" Protested George

"I don't think he cheated Fred, I don't even think you could cheat at wizards chess" I said

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