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**Lillith's POV**

I was in the common Room studying when I saw Fred and George walk in. This was my chance to talk to Fred and see if he could ask Angelina out to the Yule ball. Him and George started to walk up to the dorm when I got up from my chair and ran towards them. I took Fred's arm and pulled him back. George didn't even seem to notice that Fred was gone.
"Bringing me into a corner, I think you got us twins mixed up" Joked Fred

I rolled my eyes "Who are you going to the Yule ball with?" I asked him

  "Aren't you going with George" He smirked

  "I'm not asking you out Fred, can you be serious for a moment"

  "Alright, alright, and No I don't have a date yet"

  "I think I could set you up with someone"

  "Oh ya, who?"

  "How about Angelina, she doesn't have a date"

Fred didn't say anything, he just stared at me, he seemed to be thinking. I waited for an answer but he still didn't say anything and I started to have the feeling he wasn't going to say anything.

  "Come on Fred, you two are pretty close, always joking around, it'll be fun, just ask her" I then said braking the silence.

  "Alright, well see" Fred answered and the walked away.

**Fred's POV**

I made went to the dorm and sat on my bed. I didn't have a date to the ball and I didn't see the harm on asking Angelina. Anyway, Lilli wouldn't tell me to ask her if she was going to say no so it was a for sure yes that Angeline would go to the ball with me. When George finally realized I was back, he came over to me.

  "Where did you go. You where with me one minute and the next you where gone" George said

  "I was talking to Lilli" I answered

  "About what?"

  "She asked me if I had a date to the Yule ball and wants to set me up with Angelina"

  "Thats great, now you wont be the only one without a date"

  "I wouldn't say that, Harry and Ron have no way of ever finding a date before the Yule ball"

George and I started to laugh and then kept on talking about other stuff. After about two hours of nothing, we had to go down to the study hall to do our work. George and I went to join Lilli and we made our way there together. We went to sit down with Hermione, Ron, and Harry who where already there. Angelina wasn't sitting to far from us either. I looked over at Lilli who was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

I did my work quietly but Ron and Harry kept on talking. Professor Snape was the one keeping an eye on us and every time Ron and Harry would talk he would hit them over the head, but that didn't stop them.

  "You two better hurry and fund a date because at this rate all the good ones will be gone" I then whispered to Ron and Harry.

  "Oh ya, then who are you going with?" Ron asked

This was my chance to ask Angelina. I smirked at Ron, crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at Angelina. She looked over at me annoyed. I then asked her if she wanted to go to the ball with me and her annoyed look became a smile and she accepted. George smirked at me and Ron rolled his eyes. I turned over at Lillith and she was rolling her eyes has well.

  "Why do you look upset, I asked her" I said to Lilli

  "By throwing a piece of paper at her" Lilli said and turned back towards her work.

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