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**Lillith's POV**

I wake up with my trunk already ready, I got dressed and brought it down stairs into the pub. Miss and mister Weasley where already there with Ginny, Ron, Percy and Harry. Miss weasley shouted for George and Fred to wake up. It was no surprise that they weren't ready yet. I got some eggs for breakfast and ate with Ginny. We talked for a while until we had to get ready to leave for kings cross.

"Finally you two are down!" Said Miss weasley "now come on, we are taking floo powder to kings cross"

"But Fred and I haven't eaten yet" said George

"Well, If you wanted to eat you would've woken up earlier, now lest go" said Molly has she gave some floo powder to the boys.

I gave a silly smile at George who soon disappeared into the green flames. Fred followed him and then it was my turn.

I was now in kings cross with the boys, we walked to the platform 9 3/4.

"Sleep well Lilli?" Asked Fred
I didn't answer him, I didn't even look at him, I was still upset about what happened last time with that dingbomb. I had to take fifty baths to get that horrible smell off me.

"She's still mad at you, you know" said George

"Still, my god Lilli, it was only a joke" said Fred

"Well I didn't like it" i said coldly has I walked faster and went through platform 9 3/4.

I didn't even think about waiting for Fred and George to get through, i just walked straight onto the train. I went to look for a compartment and saw Sebastien, that Ravenclaw boy I met at the wedding, sitting in a compartment with Max and Clara. I open the door.

"Hey guys" I say "can I join you?"

"Of course you can" said Sebastien smiling

"Is Ginny here yet?" Then asked Clara

"I think she should be here" I answered

Excited, Clara got up and walked out of the compartment and went to look for Ginny. I sat down with the two other boys. We started to talk about our summers and what we did. Sebastien and Max seemed to have a nice summer. The train then took of and I continued to talk to the boys. I soon started to feel kind've guilty for just leaving Fred and George like that.

"I'll be right back" I told Max and Sebastien

I walked out of the compartment and started to walk around looking for Fred and George. Has I did, I realized it was raining pretty hard outside. It also got pretty cold in the train has well. Shivering, I kept on looking for Fred and George's compartment when suddenly the train stopped and I almost feel over. To make things worse, the lights went off and it got even more colder. I then started to feel this weird feeling come across me, like if all my happiness was getting sucked away. I then saw something, something dark and cloaked. It seemed to be coming my way. Scared, I took my wand out and pointed it towards the dark figure. Instead of coming towards me, it stopped at a compartment and started to open its door. I tried to see who's compartment it was and realized it was Harry's. I walked towards the thing.

"Get away from there" I shouted

The figure then turned towards me. I felt my life get sucked out of me. I suddenly head someone crying, someone saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was a man. I then feel to the ground and blacked out.

"Lilli, Lilli, she's waking, oh my Lilli! Are you okay... Lilli!" I heard a familiar voice say.

My eyes started to open and I say two big blobs of ginger bent over me. Once my vision got clearer, I realized it was Fred and George.

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