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**Lillith's POV**

A week went by and today was the day that I had to go to that wedding Clara invited me to... I got this nice purple dress on with the first pair of shoes I could find. I didn't really do anything with my hair and I didn't put any makeup on since well, I just find it annoying. I took my wand, put it in the pocket of my dress (yes my dress has pockets, thats why I love it so much) and I went down to the pub where I saw Clara walk in.

"What a pretty dress!" Exclaimed Clara once she spotted me

"Thank you Clara, you look lovely" I answered

"Now come on, my parents are waiting for us in the car" Said Clara

I followed her to the car and sat in the back seat with her and her brother, we were very jammed.

Not to long after this awkward car ride, we arrived at Clara's aunts weeding. I stayed close to Clara since I didn't know anyone here, it was even more awkward then the car ride. Clara, Max and I sat at a table. We ate this very delicious soup and had some cake. Max looked very bored but Clara seemed to be having the time of her life. She kept on talking and asking me about my summer.

"Omg!" She then exclaimed "this is my favourite song, you have to come and dance with me"

Clara took my arm and pulled me to the dance floor. Not only did I not want to dance but I didn't even know how. I kept on bumping into people and steeping on their feet.

"Ouch!" I heard some say.

I turn around to see a young boy, about my age standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you" I said.

Just has he was going to say something else, Clara stepped in

"Hullo Sebastien" Said Clara happily "Sebastien, this is my friend Lillith and Lillith, this is my cousin Sebastien but you could call him Seb"

I gave him a weak smile and pit my hand you. He weakly smiled back and shook my hand. Sebastien had light brown hair, blue eyes and was slightly taller then me.

After dancing for a long time. I followed Clara off the dance floor has she brought me to Sebastien's table. Seb and I started talking a bit, he was really nice.

"I haven't seen you around Hogwarts" he said

"Well, Hogwarts is a very big school with a lot of students so i'm not surprised" I answered

"What house are you in?" He asked curiously

"Gryffindor, you?"


Wow, Clara's family came from all sorts of different houses. I ended up having a good time with Clara and Seb. Seb and I had a lot in common, we both loved to read and our favorite class is care of magical creatures. He was in the same year has me so maybe we would have a class together for our fifth year.

The night soon ended and so did the wedding

"So I guess we will see each other when school starts again" I said to Sebastien

"Can't wait!" He exclaimed

Clara's parents brought me back to the leaky cauldron, I thanked them and went back to my room. The first thing I did was put more food in Erwin's food bole. Tired after the long night of dancing and talking. I take my wand out of my dress pocket, point it at the bed that undid it's self. That advanced Magic book is really coming in handy. I throw my dress of, put my night gowned on and jumped into bed. I missed it so much.

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