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**Lillith's POV**

Sitting in the defence against the dark arts class room looking up at Professor Umbridge with the meanest of looks. I was writing on a piece of parchment with that quill of hers has where the rest of Dumbledores Army. She was able to catch them, someone had left the parchment where we all wrote our names on and now we are here. I looked over at Fred and George who both looked at Umbridge furiously. George turned his head and we made eye contact. We gazed at each other for a moment.

Hem, hem

We broke off and kept on writing. The words would scar onto my skin, it felt more painful then the last time's I've done it. We've been here almost an hour, for how long where we going to need to endure this.

Hours later, Umbridge finally let us leave. I held my red burning hand.

  "You okay?" George asked

  "Yes, I'm fine, you?" I replied

  "Yeah" He sighed

The twins and I made our way to the Gryffindor tower and sat down by the fire. A second year was near by drinking a glass of water. When he wasn't looking I took his glass.

  "Glacius" I said pointing my wand at the water.

It froze and so I got the ice cube out and broke it into three pieces. I gave one to Fred, the other to George and put the third piece on my hand, it felt good.

  "If only I could've warned you faster" I suddenly said

  "What?" George asked

  "When I had my vision in the room of requirement, only if I could've warned you faster that Umbridge was coming" I started

  "It's not your fault!" George cut in

  "Yeah! It's that Marietta's fault" Fred added

The rest of the night was well, we talked a bit more before we all started to get tired and were off to our dormitories.

The next day was Monday and so I got up early since I was starting in potions and after that Defence against the dark arts. Once my two lessons were over,  I made my way to the great hall for lunch.

Hem hem.

My heart dropped, I turned around to see Umbridge standing there with that same little grin on her face that made me want to slap it off.

  "I have noticed something" started Umbridge "a few of my students have been missing for my class"

Surprised to see it took her this long.

  "Maybe you didn't look well" I told her

  "Keep your snarly remarks for yourself Lupin! Why haven't you and your little friends been in my classes?" She asked with that same girlish voice

  "Has I said before, maybe you didn't look well" I said again

  "Your aligning yourself for another detention Miss.Lupin" snarled Umbridge

I didn't know what to do or what to answer. I couldn't tell her about my secret classes and who were in them, I and the other, would be in very big trouble. I tried to find words to explain.

  "Is there a problem here?" Asked Professor Mcgonagall. I couldn't be happier to see her here right now.

  "Yes there is!" Said Umbridge "this girl and some of her friend have been skipping my classes to go do who knows what"

Mcgonagall gave me a look and then looked back at Umbridge.

  "I will admit, I've been stealing your students during your classes" started Professor Mcgonagall. I was very surprised by this "I've noticed a drop in their grades and so I've decided to help them"

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