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**Lillith's POV**

It was christmas break and it was going to be the first time in five years that I was not staying at Hogwarts. I talked to Professor Lupin, I mean my dad and he said it was okay for me to stay with him this Christmas. He said he checked to see when the full moon was going to be and it wasn't going to be until the week after break so it would be okay for me to stay. I was going to stay at his house, I was so exited.

Angelina helped me pack my things, once I was done, we both walked down into the common room. I spotted Fred sitting on the couch but George wasn't there. I've been seeing him less and less lately. I walked over to Fred and sat down next to him. He was writing something down on some parchment.

"What are you writing?" I asked him

"Some Idea's of invention that George and I where supposed to create together" he started "but George is to busy being with his Girlfriend before she leaves for Christmas break"

Fred seemed pretty annoyed by the fact his brother is barely with him anymore. It's actually weird not to see those two together.

"Oh, Guess they've gotten closer" I said looking down

"Don't worry Lillith, he'll soon realize that your better then her" Fred answered trying to cheer me up.

I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said "see you soon"

I let go of him and gave him one last smile. I then got my trunk and Owl and started to make my way out of the Gryffindor tower. Has Angelina and I walked down, I saw George walking towards us to get to the Gryffindor tower. When he see's us, he stops walking and so do I and Angelina.

"Where are you going?" Asked George.

I was surprised to hear him say something to me, it's been a long
Time since we talked.

"I'm going home, well my real home for Christmas break" I tell him

George looked confused when I realized he didn't know about Remus Lupin being my father. I gave him a small explanation about all of that.

"I'm happy for you Lillith" He said

A small smile came across my face "thank you George"

Angelina and I then walked away. I wished we would've talked more, I missed him so much it hurt.

Angelina and I got into the Hogwarts express. We went to sit with my dad. Once we got to kings cross, I said bye to Angelina and left with my dad.

"Ready to see home" said Remus

"Can't wait" I answered Excited

Dad and I made our way to a small house, it was near a farm village. I walked inside and felt like I was home again, I've never felt so comfortable in my life. I sat down on the couch in the living room. Dad took is wand out and made a fire appear in the fire place.

"Tea?" He asked

"Yes Please" I answered

I looked around and realized that this place did look pretty familiar. I got up from the couch and started to walk around. I walked up some steps and found two room upstairs. I opened the first door, it had chains and locks all over the door and windows. There where also scratch marks all over the walls. It must of been Remus's room. I then walked out and went inside the other room. I opened the door and froze, I knew exactly what this room was. It was my old room from when I lived here all those years ago.

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