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**Lillith's POV**

I felt broken, my body felt like it broke into a million pieces, my mind felt shattered, I just didn't feel right. I've been tortured for who knows how long, Bellatrix wont let me go until I help them, until I have a vision that could help them win. Bellatrix has been using the cruciatis curse on me trying to force me to have a vision, at this point I'd rather die.

I was floating above the table were sat the death eaters and Voldemort. My bloody dripped on the table. I stare at Astoria who was trying to hold back her tears, I could see how afraid she was.

  "Crucio!" Shouted Bellatrix

I shouted in pain, I could fell my heart beat slow down. I started to shout, I shouted so loud that the ground practically shook. I my rolled behind my head and all went dark. Once again a vision came. This time I was in the courtyard of Hogwarts, everyone stood around who seemed to Voldemort and Harry Potter. Both raised their wands and shouted a curse. The fought both seemed to be struggling, everyone around was gasping and praying for Harry to win the duel. I didn't want to know who won because if I saw I would be forced to tell the dark lord and even if I didn't I knew he would be able to look into my mind. I closed my eyes and shouted: no!

I felt myself wake up from the vision still shouting no. I stopped when I realized I was awake. Everyone stared at me wondering why I shouted.

  "What is it! What is it you saw?" Asked Bellatrix.

I did not answer and that angered her.

  "Answer when you are spoken to!" She shouted

  "Now, now Bellatrix" smirked Voldemort

He pointed his wand at me and with a lazy flick of his wand I fell onto the table. Bellatrix grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me off and hit my legs so I would fall to my knees facing the dark lord.

  "I will ask you once again, what did you see?" Bellatrix asked more ruffly

Her face was close to mind, I was not going to fold under the pressure I was not going to help them, I didn't care about the consequences anymore. I spat in Bellatrix's face and she backed away. Her face turned red with rage.

  "How dare you!" Shouted Bellatrix at the top of her lungs. "Avada-"

  "Bellatrix!" Shouted Voldemort before she could finish casting her curse "she could still be valuable to us. Put her in the cells with the others"

Bellatrix tired to object but Voldemort gave her a warning look. Bellatrix walked towards me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me down to the cellar. She threw me in and locked the door. For the first time in day's I was finally away from the death eaters and I wasn't being tortured. Even though it was dark and cold I like it better here then up there. I crawled towards and wall and leaned on if. Tears falling down my face I tried to keep it together.

  "Lillith?" I heard a soft voice say.

I turned my head to see a dark figure. Has the figure walked towards me I was able to recognize the person, it was Luna.

  "Were those screams coming from you?" She asked still using that soft voice.

I nodded. Luna sat next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

  "I'll be okay, I have faith someone will come to save us" Luna said

This didn't confort me since I had no hope that someone would come to save us and even if someone did I would probably be dead by then. I know that if I don't give the dark lord what he wants he will kill me since I will me no use to him.

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