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**Lillith's POV**

My dad held me in his arms. I was crying. I couldn't believe what just happened. Cedric, a boy at my school just got killed by the dark lord Voldemort. He was back and now everyone had something to be afraid of. dark times where coming.

  "Lilli! Lilli!" I heard George yell has he ran towards me

My dad looked over to him. He took one arm off of me to stop George.

  "You can talk to her later." He said to him

George didn't say anything. He stood there looking at me anxiously. I turned my head to look at Harry. Professor Moody took his arm and brought him someone.

  "Lillith Dear. Please come With me." I heard Professor Mcgonagall say

My dad let go of me and took my hand. We followed Professor Mcgonagall into the castle. I thought she was going to bring me to the hospital wing but she didn't. she brought me to the headmaster's office. Dumbledore was standing there with Snape. They both looked anxious. They look over at my dad and then at me.

  "What going on?" I asked

  "What did you see?" Asked Professor Dumbledore

  "I... I saw Voldemort. He's back. He killed Cedric Diggory. He tried to capture me" I told him

  "Why, why did he want to capture you?" Asked Professor Mcgonagall

  "I think it was because of my vision. He wants to use me" I said shaking

All the Professor's including my dad all looked at each other worried. I was feeling light headed after everything and I just needed to lay down. I went to sit down on a chair.

  "Miss. Lupin? Are you okay" asked Professor Mcgonagall

  "I'm going to take her to Madam Pomfrey" dad said quickly.

He put his arms around me for support and we started to make our way out of the headmaster's office when something weird happened. I stopped walking, my body started to shake. I got shivers around my body but yet I started sweating. I started to see stars everywhere and I fell to my knees. Every sound around me because a faint whisper. The next thing I knew everything around me went pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I started to see a light. It was bringing me somewhere.

I was now in a room, no one was there. But the I heard a noise, it was footsteps. They where getting closer. I tried to see who it was but nothing. I started to hear this slurping sound.

  "Who's there!" I was able to yell.

The person started to laugh. But it was no ordinary laugh. It was creepy and plain evil. The figure then came out of the dark. It was Professor Moody but something was weird about him. His skin seemed to be boiling has he walked closer to me. He seemed to be forming into something else. His eyes started to changes: His hair, nose, body, face.  He was no longer professor Moody anymore, but someone else and I wasn't able to make out who.

  "What you looking at girl. don't you know me" he said creepily

I tried to think when this name started to appear in my head. I didn't know how but I just seemed to know his name.

  "Barty crouch Jr." I yelled.

Everything then vanished. Barty was gone and I was back in the pitch black dark. Moments later everything came back to normal. I was able to see again. I looked around me and everyone seemed confused.

  "Barty crouch Jr.?" Asked Professor Dumbledore

  "He's with Harry" I gasped

All three Professor ran out of the office. I looked up at my dad who bent down next to me.

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